How to easily clean hood grilles

The exhaust system has long become a familiar and necessary attribute in almost every kitchen. It creates a comfortable environment by purifying air contaminated with dust, fats, combustion products, fumes and odors during cooking. But it itself requires regular and careful maintenance and care, otherwise it will not be easy for this useful device to cope with its functions.
How to easily clean hood grilles

The more regularly and efficiently the hood operates, the faster and more severely its filters become clogged. Over time, the grates become so overgrown with all kinds of deposits that their airflow becomes minimal and the efficiency of the cleaning apparatus sharply decreases. But what’s even more dangerous is that excess fat deposits can cause a fire.
How to easily clean hood grilles

Removing such hardened plaque using only mechanical means (brushes, sponges) and conventional detergents (soap, dishwashing detergent, etc.) is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible.
Here you cannot do without more radical methods of influence and effective drugs with actively aggressive characteristics.

Necessary tools and equipment

We will need a pan that is at least half the height of the grate if filled to the brim with water.
You will also need an unnecessary toothbrush. You must wear gloves on your hands to avoid burning your fingers. For cleaning products, you need to prepare ordinary baking soda and 9 percent vinegar. Now you can begin the procedure for cleaning the kitchen hood grilles.
How to easily clean hood grilles

An easy way to clean your hood grille

First, remove the grilles from the hood in the manner specified in its operating instructions.
Pour water into the pan we have chosen almost to the brim, put it on the fire and wait for the liquid to boil.
How to easily clean hood grilles

Add a small amount of vinegar to the pan, about 150-200 ml. The larger the volume of the dishes, the more you need to mix this product.
How to easily clean hood grilles

After this, pour about one tablespoon of ordinary baking soda into the pan in small portions, since this substance reacts violently with boiling water.
How to easily clean hood grilles

We lower the grates covered with fat into the pan and keep them in boiling water for some time for 15-30 minutes.
How to easily clean hood grilles

As a result of thermal exposure and added drugs, fatty deposits are partially dissolved and, very importantly, the adhesion between the grating material and the resulting coating is weakened.
How to easily clean hood grilles

We take out the grates and wash them thoroughly under running water in the sink.
How to easily clean hood grilles

We make sure visually and with the help of a brush that the fatty deposit has almost disappeared, and its remnants are easily removed with mechanical action, even with a toothbrush.
How to easily clean hood grilles

How to easily clean hood grilles

Lower the grates on the other side and repeat the process.
How to easily clean hood grilles

After this, all that remains is to rinse them generously under a powerful stream of water, first warm and then cold, wipe them, dry them and put them back in place. The hood is ready for further efficient operation.
How to easily clean hood grilles

Tips and tricks

To prevent cleaning the kitchen hood grilles from becoming a problem, experienced housewives recommend cleaning them, depending on the intensity of use, once every 2-3 months.
Moreover, the more often frying is used as a cooking process, the shorter the intervals between cleaning the specified elements of the kitchen hood should be.
The following cleaning agents are also used: laundry soap, various detergents, fatty solvents, bleach, lemon juice, “Mole” type sewer pipe cleaner, etc.
One last thing to remember when cleaning your kitchen hood grilles. The more aggressive the product we use, the longer and more abundant the rinsing of the grates should be so that even traces of it do not remain on them. Otherwise, you can not only spoil the appearance, but also destroy the material of the gratings.

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Comments (24)
  1. Eugene
    #1 Eugene Guests December 6, 2018 11:10
    To make the mesh on the hood easier to wash (a stream of hot water and a brush is enough, without any boiling) - before installing it in place, simply moisten it generously in a thick solution of dishwashing detergent and dry it.
    That's it!
  2. WPAP
    #2 WPAP Guests 6 December 2018 16:37
    We plug the sink with a stopper
    We put grates there
    Fill with mole
    We wait 10 minutes
    Rinse with water
    Enjoying the new grilles
    PS: take care of your hands and clothes during the procedure
  3. Maxim Shmelev
    #3 Maxim Shmelev Guests 6 December 2018 16:56
    These meshes are multi-layered, only the top two layers are cleaned!
    The rest of the fat is hidden inside.
  4. Guest Alexander
    #4 Guest Alexander Guests 6 December 2018 19:44
    The best way is to put it in the dishwasher, turn on the mode for pans and baking sheets, and the filters are generally like new
  5. Guest Alexander
    #5 Guest Alexander Guests December 7, 2018 01:23
    When soda interacts with vinegar, salt, water and carbon dioxide are formed. The formula for this chemical reaction looks like this: Na2CO3 + 2 CH3-COOH = 2 CH3-COONa + H2O + CO2.
    Na2CO3 is soda,
    2 CH3-COOH are two molecules of soda,
    2 CH3-COONa is two molecules of the salt “Sodium Acetate” (sodium salt of acetic acid).
    H2O is of course water
    CO2 - and carbon dioxide.
    So what is there to wash?
    Go retake the Unified State Exam?)))
    1. Ilyich
      #6 Ilyich Guests December 9, 2018 20:40
      This is the only correct answer about baking soda and vinegar! Those who mix them, including cooking, where in the recipes they write: “Quench the soda with vinegar and pour it into the dough for fluffiness...” HAVE STUDYED CHEMISTRY BADLY AT SCHOOL. What kills is that it turns out that these people are in the majority.
      1. Jigsaw
        #7 Jigsaw Guests 13 December 2018 19:09
        The dough just needs carbon dioxide, which is released during quenching!
        1. Guest Sergey
          #8 Guest Sergey Guests 3 January 2019 13:38
          The dough just needs carbon dioxide, which is released during quenching!
          Carbon dioxide is needed in the dough, but it was released during quenching and evaporated.
  6. Guest Igor
    #9 Guest Igor Guests December 7, 2018 02:45
    If you have a dishwasher, then this problem can be solved even easier.
  7. Guest Vladimir
    #10 Guest Vladimir Guests December 7, 2018 05:57
    They poured mole over it and washed it off after 5 minutes.
    Everything sparkles and shines.
  8. Vlad Akulov
    #11 Vlad Akulov Guests December 7, 2018 12:37
    There is no need to reinvent the wheel - “Silit” or another means for breaking down fat and a hard brush. That's all. I watered it, waited and cleaned it.
  9. roman
    #12 roman Guests December 8, 2018 12:03
    First pour in the acid (vinegar), and then neutralize it with alkali (soda). The author got a bad grade in chemistry.
  10. Andrey
    #13 Andrey Guests 8 December 2018 19:40
    Is it okay that acetic acid extinguishes soda? This is high school level chemistry. The result is salt and water. Recipe for those who make pies: add a spoonful of soda to the dough, and then add vinegar when kneading. The dough rises during baking (checked).