Homemade chicken fillet

Cold cuts are a must-have dish on the holiday table; they are suitable for New Year's holidays and family celebrations. Assorted meats, as a rule, consist of several types of smoked sausage, boiled pork, basturma, balyk and other dry-cured products. For a sliced ​​dish, each housewife chooses the quantity and composition of products independently. But such a delicacy as balyk is, perhaps, always present in cold cuts. Balyk is prepared from any cut: beef, pork or chicken fillet. And the best part is that any balyk can be prepared at home. If the housewife decides to cook balyk for the first time, then she needs to start with chicken fillet. Chicken meat cooks faster, and the housewife will see the result of her work faster. Cooking chicken balyk will take a maximum of 5-7 days. The meat turns out light, transparent, and easy to bite.
Homemade chicken fillet


The main ingredients will be:
  • - chicken fillet – 4 pcs;
  • - salt – 1 tbsp. (approximately).

A mixture of peppers, cognac, or other additional ingredients, each housewife improvises on her own. By using different spices, the balyk will differ in taste. There are no spices or cognac in this recipe.

Cooking balyk from chicken fillet

Chicken fillet must be skinned and excess fat removed. The pieces should be even. Wash the meat and pat dry with a paper towel.
Homemade chicken fillet

Each piece of fillet must be well sprinkled with salt. Don't be afraid that the meat will be over-salted.
Homemade chicken fillet

Pour salt into the bottom of a clean, dry container and place the fillets. The top of the meat should also be sprinkled with salt. Refrigerate for a day.
Homemade chicken fillet

After a day, the meat must be removed from the container and washed under running water. If the meat is a little too salty for your taste, it must be put back into the container and filled with clean water. Leave the meat in the water for one or two hours. Dry the chicken with a paper towel and hang it on hooks or string in a well-ventilated area.
Homemade chicken fillet

If balyk is prepared in the summer, the meat must be covered with gauze or light cotton cloth (from insects); in winter, this need not be done.
The meat can dry out in a day or two, it all depends on the room where it hangs. During this time, the balyk will acquire a completely different color. If the thin edge of the fillet is a little dry, don't worry. Remove the meat from the hook, wrap in paper towel and place in the refrigerator.
Homemade chicken fillet

Let the meat sit in the cold for two or three days. During this time, the dried part of the fillet will become soft, the meat is easily cut into slices, and it is easy to bite off.
One piece out of four, of course, is eaten very quickly in order to appreciate the efforts of the hostess and understand what ingredients can be added to the recipe next time. The rest can be safely served as separate slices or as part of cold cuts.
Homemade chicken fillet

Having cooked chicken balyk once, you will very quickly want to repeat its preparation again.
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. vik
    #1 vik Guests 7 November 2019 16:04
    When should you add spices?