Balyk "Economy"

I often want something tasty. Some kind of sausage or ham is, in principle, an ordinary “delicacy”, and here we can remember about balyk. But this pleasure is not cheap and it won’t just be lying around in the refrigerator. But there is an option that will fulfill your wishes at little cost. This article describes the technology for preparing balyk from chicken breast at home within a week. You can buy ready-made, processed, but more expensive breast, or buy a whole chicken carcass, separate and process the breast, and the remaining parts will still be left for preparing at least two dishes for a family of 4 people. The result will surprise not only your family, but also your guests at the holiday table.


  • chicken breast – 1 piece, large;
  • soy sauce – 1 pc.;
  • salt – from 100 to 500 g;
  • dry wine – 100 ml. (or cognac – 50 ml.);
  • turmeric – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • spices according to preference.

Making balyk from chicken breast

Remove the skin from the breast. Separate the flesh from the bone.

In a container, sprinkle the breast meat with black pepper, turmeric, and spices. Mix well.

At this stage, two path options are offered.In the first case, the breast is covered with 500 grams of salt, sprinkled with water on top and left in the refrigerator (any cool place) for 48 hours. The result will be a more salty and dense product.

The second result gives a more delicate consistency. In this case, the breast meat is poured with soy sauce and left in a cool place for 24 hours.

As time passes, dry wine or cognac is added to the container with meat and marinade and left for another day.

After the allotted time, it is recommended to taste the meat for both salting options by making a small incision and cutting off a thin slice. It is still raw, so you just need to evaluate whether it is salted enough or leave it for another day; you should not swallow the “sample.” Some people prefer well-salted foods, while others avoid salt and sugar. If everything is satisfactory, you need to move on to the final stage, make a cut, insert a string and send the meat to dry.

You can hang it in a closed shed, on a balcony or attic, if the weather is cool, or you can attach it in the refrigerator, attaching it to the middle shelf in the door, and placing a container on the bottom shelf, under the meat, as juice will drip. Leave for 3-4 days, and if you want more dried meat, up to 5-6 days.

The result is an inexpensive, but tender and tasty delicacy.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Alexander
    #1 Guest Alexander Guests 16 November 2019 17:52