A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

When storing water for household needs in metal containers, rust actively develops. As a result, the water turns brown, so its use even for irrigation becomes unacceptable. This problem can be solved by applying a protective composition to the inner walls of the container.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

What you will need:

  • scraper for washing dishes;
  • cement;
  • paint brush.

Barrel Processing

A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

Before processing the container, you need to remove rust from its internal walls.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

In the complete absence of any grinding tool, this can be done with a regular dish scraper.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

Removing rust is done with water, as if by rinsing. There is no need to clean the metal until it shines. It is enough to remove the peeling rust to such a level that the palm applied to the surface does not get dirty.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

Next, you should rinse the barrel and let it dry. At this time, a small amount of cement mortar is prepared.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

Cement is mixed with water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

After this, the barrel is painted from the inside with this mixture using a brush.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

After applying the cement, you need to give it time to set. To prevent it from peeling off, high humidity is important. To do this, the container must be turned upside down. In this case, the upper part should be located on the ground surface, abundantly spilled with water. The barrel is left in this position for a day. The moisture evaporated from the soil under the barrel will not allow the cement to crack. The brush and container for preparing cement are washed with water.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

The next day, another portion of cement with water is prepared. The second layer is applied in the same way. Then the barrel is turned over on top of the soil spilled with water. A day later, the procedure is repeated for the third final time, and the container is also left to set on wet ground.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

After the third layer has dried, the barrel can be used for its intended purpose. Now, when you add water, it will not turn brown from rust. The method is cheap compared to the use of paints and bitumen mastics. The durability of the cement coating depends on the weather conditions at the time of its application and setting. If the weather was moderately hot and humid enough, the coating will remain intact even after wintering. If in winter, when the barrel was stored empty, it cracks and peels off, then in the spring it is re-coated. Although the effect of cement treatment is relatively short-lived, the method is very cheap and uncomplicated. A 200 liter barrel will require about 3 kg of cement, which is not a problem at all.
A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Vasily
    #1 Guest Vasily Guests 29 May 2020 19:31
    There is an easier way. paint the barrel with paint. or hot bitumen. The cement will fall off at the slightest impact.