A universal recipe for feeding tomatoes during fruit ripening

Timely application of fertilizers in the form of root and foliar fertilizers for tomatoes, as well as for other vegetables, leads to a significant increase in the yield of the plantation. And it’s not just a matter of timely replenishing the mineral components removed from the soil by plants. Many compounds are vital for plants in the second half of the growing season. For example, watering the beds with a solution containing the microelement iodine helps disinfect the soil, prevent late blight and accelerate the ripening of fruit.

What substances do tomatoes require after planting seedlings in beds and greenhouses?

The peculiarities of the mineral nutrition of tomatoes are such that after the start of flowering, the plants urgently need increased doses of potassium. It is this chemical element that keeps the fruiting organs of seedlings in working condition.Additionally, the bushes require a small amount of phosphorus salts, which are responsible for the normal development and viability of the root system, as well as microelements that improve the biochemical composition of vegetable pulp and reduce the time of fruit filling.

Fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen substances, including organic fertilizers (mullein infusion, green fertilizer, bird droppings infusion), are applied to tomatoes once, 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. It should be remembered that increased doses of nitrogen stimulate the development of powerful tops, which is to the detriment of fruiting. Therefore, fertilizing with nitrogen, for example, a solution of complex azofoska, crystallon or aquarin, is carried out exclusively at the initial stage of bush development.

How to feed tomatoes in summer?

In the future, experts advise fertilizing tomatoes every 2 weeks, alternating root and leaf feeding. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, the products used for cultivation must contain iodine and other microelements (boron, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, etc.). Fertilizers based on ordinary plant ash have proven themselves well for nightshade plants. Ashes are added at the rate of 1 cup for each seedling, embedding it under the root when hilling or between rows when loosening.

Another time-tested recipe for inexpensive feeding of tomatoes is prepared as follows: add 30-40 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine (5%), 2-3 tablets of microfertilizer, 10 g of fertilizer with phosphorus salts (simple or granular superphosphate) and 25 g of fertilizer to a standard bucket of water. with potassium (potassium sulfate or potassium salt). After dissolving the granules and powder, the plantings are watered at the root at the rate of 0.7 liters per bush.It is advisable to fertilize on wet soil, after scheduled watering, since all nutritional components are absorbed by the root system of tomatoes only together with water coming from outside.

The same composition can be used for foliar feeding of plants, spending 1-2 liters per square meter of planting. Leaf treatments with iodine are an effective prevention of late blight and other fungal diseases. Nutrients quickly absorbed through the leaf plates eliminate the deficiency of nutrients and promote accelerated fruit filling. Foliar treatments of tomatoes are carried out in addition to the main procedures for applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers during the growing season.

In addition to tomatoes, other nightshade plants are also responsive to this fertilizer: potatoes, eggplants, vegetable and hot peppers.

We wish you good harvests of all berries and vegetables in your summer cottage!

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