
Master classes:

Does the chainsaw cut crookedly? How to fix

What to do if the chainsaw cuts crookedly? In most cases, this defect can be quickly and easily corrected if you understand the theory a little. Also, so that in the future this lack of saw operation occurs less frequently, let us dwell on the factors leading to such

How to clean a well with two one and a half rubles

A well that serves as a source of water in a country house or farmstead must be cleaned of sand 2 times a year in spring and autumn. To do this, you need a universal technological device that can be used for many years.

The secret of preparing pepper seeds to increase the germination of planting material

Every gardener knows that it is very easy to prepare pepper seeds for planting. It is enough to cut the ripest fruit from the bush, extract the grains from it, dry them thoroughly and put them in an envelope or bag indicating the type of vegetable. To Work with

Attachment for cutting tall grass with a trimmer

It is difficult to mow tall and thick grass with a brush cutter and a cutting tool made from a reel with wound fishing line, since the grass is wound around the reel and it gets jammed.Therefore, it will have to be dismantled.

Plant a tomato this way and get a strong and healthy harvest

To get more tasty and juicy tomatoes, you need to follow important growing steps. Namely, choose the right seedlings, take into account weather conditions and fertilize the crop. We'll show you what to do to make tomatoes grow

How to make PET bottles a device for safe berry picking

From a plastic bottle, preferably thick-walled and therefore more rigid, but a regular one will do, remove the paper label. We drill many small holes in the lid with a drill. At the top of the bottle under the neck we draw a heart with a point,

How to make a sprinkler for watering a garden. Doesn't clog or break

In the summer heat, plants in the country or even the grass on the lawn near the house quickly burn out without regular and sufficient watering. Let's look at how to organize it without wasting water and at the same time protecting plants from burning out under the scorching rays of the sun.

How to make a drip irrigation system from PET bottles

Using a hot nail, we pierce a small hole in the bottom of the plastic bottle, into which we insert the end of a nylon lace from a sneaker. Then use a wire hook to pull the string out of the neck of the bottle and tie a simple knot at the end so that

How to prepare a cheap antiseptic for wooden products

According to the instructions, copper sulfate must be diluted in water at the rate of 100 grams of antiseptic per 10 liters of water. But to be sure of a guaranteed result, we will take these 100 grams of vitriol and dilute them in only 5 liters of water.

An effective growth stimulator for tomato seedlings at home

Experienced “tomato growers” ​​who grow seedlings in heated greenhouses, on residential window sills or in racks specially equipped with LEDs, regularly fertilize the plants. Since seedlings spend in greenhouse conditions from 45

Using pine bark mulch in the garden

In recent years, mulching has become very popular among professional landscape designers, and among summer residents and amateur gardeners. In the absence of ground cover plants, open soil after processing (digging, weeding, loosening)

How to remove a mole cricket forever and without cost

The mole cricket is one of the harmful insects from which root plants suffer greatly: carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. But bushes and even trees can also suffer from this pest, since the mole cricket injures their roots. It greatly reduces

How to Make a Handy Weed Remover

Such a simple and unpretentious tool will be completely useful in the home or farm. Moreover, its production does not require scarce or expensive materials or special tools. Anyone can do it

How to get strong and high-quality seedlings

To obtain strong and high-quality seedlings, you need good nutrition in the form of watering with various fertilizers using a medical syringe, which ensures dosage accuracy, feeding directly to the roots and saving watering material.

Even old seeds will sprout, 3 in 1 method

For sowing you will need narrow strips of polyethylene, cut from all kinds of leftovers or packages of dairy products, trimmed evenly according to the pattern. You also need toilet paper, preferably tear-off and without dyes, i.e. white.

Treating potatoes with ash before planting to increase yield

Summer residents and fans of biological farming who continue to grow environmentally friendly vegetables on their plots know many secrets for caring for plants in the garden. Especially popular among our growers

How and with what to seal holes in a barrel for irrigation

Each garden plot has containers with water. Now gardeners are increasingly buying plastic containers. But metal barrels still serve as faithfully as they did five, ten, or even twenty years ago. It’s just that years of use are taking their toll. Corrosion,

How to make a mouse trap from a plastic bucket

A mouse or rat in a private home is a very unpleasant event. Especially for those who love animals and are not ready to kill them. Modern methods will help you get rid of a rodent easily, using mousetraps and poisonous agents. But what if you’re not ready?

How to make a trench shovel from junk. Fast trench digging is guaranteed

Digging a trench for laying pipes in the ground with an ordinary bayonet shovel is not very rational. The trench turns out to be too wide, the volume of excavation work increases, unnecessary physical effort is wasted, etc. If you make a special shovel, which

How to make chicken nests with egg receptacles from OSB

Chickens sometimes peck at the eggs they lay and contaminate them with excrement.Various devices have been invented to preserve eggs. One of them in the form of nests for chickens with egg receptacles is discussed below.

How to properly prepare onions for maximum long-term storage

It’s a shame when an onion crop that you put a lot of effort into growing ends up rotting. This happens when it is not properly prepared for storage and then stored in a room with unsuitable conditions. Let's look at how to store onions so that

How to save garlic until next year

It is rare that the harvested garlic crop can last until next year. Usually it rots or dries out before the end of winter. If you prepare and store it correctly, it will not spoil until the next harvest.

3 best ways to grow onions on a windowsill in winter

Not everyone has private houses and summer cottages. And I really want to see fresh, healthy greens on the table both in winter and in summer. Growing it is not so difficult, you just need to know the basic rules of care. I offer you three simple options for growing onions

Secrets of winter crop storage

This workshop starts in the basement. In the underground. And it is dedicated to winter storage of vegetables: carrots, beets, cabbage. We share our experience and pass it on to others. A basement and a cellar are completely different things. A basement is a technical structure in which