3 best ways to grow onions on a windowsill in winter

Not everyone has private houses and summer cottages. And I really want to see fresh, healthy greens on the table both in winter and in summer. Growing it is not so difficult, you just need to know the basic rules of care. I offer you three simple options for growing onions on a windowsill.

In a plastic bag

A very affordable way. Required:

  • thick plastic bag;
  • any filler (sawdust, toilet or plain paper, soil);
  • onion sets.

Method of growing onions in a bag

Soak the sawdust in water for two hours.

Place the mixture in a plastic bag.

We cut the bulbs from the top and plant them close to each other. It is not necessary to soak the onions for roots to appear - they will germinate on their own in wet sawdust.

We do not tie the bag, otherwise the onion will simply rot without oxygen supply. If the room is dry (+24 / +25), then you should not be afraid of mold. If the room is damp, or you are growing greens in a garage or basement, you should water the bulbs with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

During growth, onions should be watered 2-3 times over 20-25 days.Thick bags do not break, but if you are worried about water leaking, place the structure on a silver platter.

If you often eat greens, make several bags, planting the bulbs 3-7 days apart. Then you will always have a green feather in stock. Please also note that spring onions appear faster, but those planted in the fall may grow unevenly, since the bulbs are dormant and wake up at different times.

The peculiarity of growing onion sets is that you will harvest only one full-fledged green harvest. Next, the feather will be thin and weak. It is better to cut off not the greenery itself, but the plant at the root. And then it’s very easy to remove the old onion and get a fresh harvest. By the way, sawdust can be used repeatedly, the main thing is to pull out the roots from it.

In a plastic bottle

A method for those who are worried that plastic bags may leak moisture or tear. You can use smooth bottles, but it is better to make a more convenient design from a container with curves. We cut off the top and bottom parts and put them on top of each other. This way the container will not fall over, water will not drip, and it is also very convenient to cut off already grown onions.

Add wet filler (sawdust, toilet paper). In the same way, we cut off the tops and plant the plants tightly in the bottle. Close with the second part of the bottle.

In this way, you can also grow large onions - just plant one and harvest the green feather several times.

In the box

Used for large bulbs planted in the ground. Select a box according to the size of the window sill. Cover with oilcloth or a bag to prevent moisture from dripping. We fill up the ground. We also plant the bulbs tightly, do not forget to cut off the top. This way the feathers will begin to grow much faster, and there will be more of them.In addition, such onions are healthier than those grown on sawdust or water - the soil contains many useful macro- and microelements that will go into the greens.

Such a green crop can be cut 3-4 times, and the feather will be thicker. All these methods are good, it all depends on your capabilities and taste.

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