Onions on greens in a city apartment

It’s so nice to always have fresh green onions on hand: if you wanted to chop the greens into a salad, please, if you wanted to add them to the soup, cut off the finished fronds. Tasty and healthy green onions can be grown on the windowsill of a city apartment.
To do this, you need to take onions, trim them slightly from the bottom and top, and then place them in a container for germination. Stores sell special trays, but you can use plastic packaging from cakes or semi-finished products. You need to pour a little water into them, place the cut bulbs with the bulb down and make sure that the onion is always in water to one third of the height of the bulb. If there is too much water, the bulb may rot. In just a week, green feathers will appear; in order for you to have greens all the time, you need to have four of these packages, in which you plant a new batch of onions every week. The number of bulbs you plant depends on your appetite and the number of eaters. When the feathers grow, the first time you can simply cut them off and leave the bulb itself, adding water to the container. In a week you will have green feathers again.

Onions on greens in a city apartment

I’m glad that you don’t have to spend money on land, that there is no dirt and dust, the only concern is not to forget to water your “vegetable garden.” And if you have small children, they will be happy to watch the process and help you, for example, water the “beds”.
I wish you success! Bon appetit!
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Comments (4)
  1. tigozawr
    #1 tigozawr Guests 4 April 2012 21:03
    Class! I just bought onions. I'll plant it today :)
  2. Veent
    #2 Veent Guests 6 April 2012 23:02
    Yeah, I could also plant a piece of lard and the branches start to twine from it, and next to it there are boiled chicken eggs in the garden. And plant the salt shaker in the pot next to it...
  3. Natalia
    #3 Natalia Guests 9 August 2017 10:29
    I always put it in a glass and sprouted it. Your forms are a godsend. But I recommend planting the sprouted onions in the ground. It turns out to be a garden bed on the windowsill. There will be a lot of onions in winter. verified by me
  4. Guest Igor
    #4 Guest Igor Guests 21 June 2018 16:24
    Oh my God! Have you tried just putting the onion in a jar? Not completely, just the lower part. And you won’t need to water anything, and the harvest will be exactly the same. The old method was used by all the inhabitants of the USSR, everyone knew it and everyone had jars of onions on their windowsill.