How to grow an avocado from a seed

I have been very inquisitive since childhood. The result is not as important to me as the process.

Well, how can I, for example, bring my sister’s dying flower back to life? Happened! Great - grab it!

How can you grow a watermelon? Please get it! How to replant a violet? Hold it!

This time I will show you how you can grow a beautiful plant at home from an ordinary store-bought avocado!

How to choose a ripe avocado?

Avocado is a very healthy fruit; when ripe, it tastes like a walnut or pine nut. I won’t list a large number of vitamins, but I can say that there is plenty of vitamin E in it and it also has anti-aging properties. Enough calories to eat. When choosing a fruit, make sure that the peel is not damaged anywhere, and that the color is green without brown spots. To the touch, the fruit should give in slightly to pressure, but not be too soft inside; only with these characteristics will the fruit have the above taste)

If you suddenly bought an unripe fruit, just put it on the table, in a couple of days it will ripen on its own.

So, you ate the pulp, and inside there is a huge oblong bone, which I, for example, felt sorry for throwing away and I decided to germinate it)
How to grow an avocado from a seed

We take a bone, stick toothpicks in on three sides so that later with their help the bone is half in the water with a thickened base, after about 3-5 weeks a white root will climb into the water from the bottom side - you can plant it in the ground. I used universal soil and drainage at the bottom of the pot.

It should be taken into account that the root problem is quite serious, so you need to be ready to give it a larger pot in six months. I fertilized with vermicompost (you can buy it at any flower shop), also universal (what you had at home) once every 2 weeks: leave 1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of water for 24 hours - then water as usual.

Six months later the plant looks like this, the leaves are longer than the palm of your hand. The plant loves light very much, but direct summer sun rays burn its leaves. Therefore, in winter - spring you can keep it on a sunny, warm windowsill, and in summer remove it from direct sunlight. It loves humidity very much, so spraying, wiping leaves, a steam generator (choose your strength) is simply necessary!

Look at the condition of the plant, do not keep it in a cramped pot for a long time.

It easily adapts to replanting and cutting off the tops (for branching or bushing). Even if the stem suddenly drops its leaves, do not rush to throw away the plant - cut the stem to a living one (where it is not withered and green) and water as usual, once every 2-4 days, when the soil dries out. Very soon the plant will give new branches, which is good news! Go for it!

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Comments (3)
  1. Liya Rudakova
    #1 Liya Rudakova Guests 23 January 2017 17:28
    I also decided to grow such a tree. It was already 30 centimeters high. But I went on an excursion to the botanical garden, where they told me that this tree is very toxic. It cannot be grown at home, touched with hands or approached closely. At first the consequences may not be noticeable, but then they will appear. The guide said that due to the accumulation of toxins, the kidneys may even fail, etc. BETTER NOT RISK IT
  2. Olga
    #2 Olga Guests 7 April 2017 18:07
    Liya Rudakova,
    I haven’t seen this in the literature, so I also decided to experiment with growing avocados. My leaves are just unfolding... it’s a pity to destroy them...
  3. Den
    #3 Den Guests 7 August 2017 12:16
    Liya Rudakova, this is just a plant, not a chemical weapon - it’s scary. Yes, indeed, the seeds, leaves and peel of the avocado itself contain a toxin - persin. But if you do not eat the leaves, the plant is completely safe.