Felt Christmas tree toy

New Year decor plays an important role in preparing for the most magical holiday, and handmade decorations are part of the magic. Just imagine, with the help of fabric, scissors, threads and ribbons you can create an extraordinary exclusive Christmas tree toy that will delight the eye.
Try sewing toys from felt; this material is easy to work with, does not require seams, and looks great in products - its bright shades awaken imagination and help bring ideas to life. We present to your attention a master class on making a Christmas ball from felt. Even an inexperienced craftsman or schoolboy can handle its production.
So, you will need:
  • felt - 2 sheets of different shades as desired,
  • matching threads - floss or regular threads,
  • sequins (colors optional) - 25-30 pieces,
  • ribbon - 15 cm,
  • padding polyester,
  • scissors, needle and cardboard.

When starting the creative process, remember that there are no clear boundaries in this matter. Any master class can be modified if you want to add something while sewing.
From cardboard you need to cut out a circle with a diameter of 8-9 cm and an internal part in the form of a polyhedron or asterisk. Then, using the templates, cut out 2 circles and 2 polyhedrons - in this case we got pink and white parts.
Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Now sew the smaller piece to the larger one using a regular running stitch. Then decorate both sides with sequins; you can place them anywhere. Next, all that remains is to sew the two parts together using an overlock stitch in a circle. Without reaching the end, stuff padding polyester inside the toy, continuing to sew the sides together. Before securing the thread, take the ribbon, fold it in half and sew it inside the ball.
Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

Felt Christmas tree toy

This is where the process comes to an end, and you can be congratulated - you have managed to sew a Christmas tree decoration from felt, which will definitely become an annual decoration for your Christmas tree!
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