7 clever solutions for repairs in the workshop

Ingenious solutions to make certain tasks easier are constantly appearing. Sometimes they are so simple that it is unclear how no one thought of this before. This collection contains just such simple life hacks, which, having mastered, will help you do your usual things faster.

1. How to make a wire clamp more reliable

If you need to tighten the wire tie, first fold it in half. Then take the double edge and turn it half a turn 2-4 cm from the end. After this, the clamp can be tightened with pliers as usual.

As a result, it will tighten not on one side, but on two. This will give a tighter clamp. In addition, the likelihood of wire breaking will be reduced in this case, since the twist will not be turned too many times.

2. Tighten the wire clamp with a screwdriver

There is also another way to install the wire clamp. First, twist the wire as usual, just with your hands. Then we take its ends together and place a shaped screwdriver under the twist. After this, the ends are wound in the opposite direction.

While holding the wire taut, you need to rotate the screwdriver.As a result, you will get an additional twist, which will crimp the clamp.

3. Tighten the wire clamp with a wrench

Instead of a screwdriver, you can tighten the wire clamp with a regular open-end wrench. We do the same as in the previous method. It will just result in a slightly larger loop on the clamp.

4. How to drill perpendicularly using slats

To drill a perfectly even perpendicular hole with a drill, you need to attach a square cross-section to the drill along two planes. By pressing the drill into the corner, we prevent it from tilting to the side.

5. How to drill exactly perpendicular using a cutting board

You can also take an even piece of any lumber and draw a transverse line on it. If, when drilling, you place this scrap in a line to the drill, and resting it on the plane, then the hole will also turn out to be perpendicular.

6. Paint brush with replaceable brush

To make such a tool, you need to detach the bristles from the paint brush. A stationery clip is screwed onto the end of the handle with self-tapping screws.

You can install foam rubber and other porous materials in it to paint with.

7. Paint the blanks without getting dirty

If you need to paint short pieces of wood, you can screw 2 self-tapping screws into their ends in the center. This allows you to hang the part on the crossbars using them. Thus, we paint one side, then turn the workpiece over, holding the screw head.

That is, you don’t have to touch what’s painted.

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