An effective growth stimulator for tomato seedlings at home

Experienced “tomato growers” ​​who grow seedlings in heated greenhouses, on residential window sills or in racks specially equipped with LEDs, regularly fertilize the plants. Since seedlings spend 45 to 65 days in greenhouse conditions, depending on the microclimate created for them, during this time the plants can be fertilized at least 4 times.

Typically, multicomponent mineral, organic and organomineral fertilizers are used for seedling crops, which contain not only the full NPK complex, but also magnesium, calcium, sulfur, as well as a complex of microelements and humic acids. In addition, experts advise feeding seedlings at the root and along the leaves with various growth stimulants.

Aloe is a time-tested assistant in caring for indoor plants and seedlings

Every gardener can prepare an effective growth-stimulating and root-forming fertilizer at home, using a very common succulent in indoor floriculture - aloe or agave.This medicinal plant is so unpretentious that it does not require any effort from forgetful owners and can easily tolerate even months of lack of watering.

Aloe infusion has unique properties for any plant. Thanks to the polysaccharides, amino acids (leucine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine), resins, microelements, mineral salts, tannins, vitamins and other complex compounds present in the pulp and leaves, aqueous extracts from agave applied under the root and along the aerial parts of seedlings quickly activate the processes of growth and development, and also improve the condition of weakened and elongated seedlings.

And aloe infusion is an effective and time-tested adaptogen that strengthens the phytoimmunity of tomato bushes and increases their resistance to adverse factors, including helping plants overcome planting stress after picking. Try spraying the seedlings a day before transplantation and a day after the procedure, and you will see for yourself.

Recipe for homemade growth stimulator from aloe leaves

First you need to prepare a mother infusion. Take 1-2 lower leaves of aloe or agave, cut into small pieces, put in a jar and fill with 0.5 liters of water. Cover the infusion with a lid (loosely) and place it in a dark, secluded place, such as a pantry, for 1 week.

The strained concentrate is diluted with clean, soft water without chlorine in a ratio of 1:2, that is, take 2 parts of water for 1 part of the infusion. From 0.5 l of concentrate you can get 1.5 l of a working solution of a growth stimulator and adaptogen for seedlings and indoor plants.

Pour the working solution of aloe infusion into a hand spray bottle and spray all the tomato seedlings on the leaves in the morning or evening.It is recommended to do foliar treatment for the first time after the first pair of true leaves appear on the seedlings. The interval between foliar irrigation of tomatoes is 7-10 days.

In addition to foliar feeding of tomatoes with aloe infusion, gardeners also feed plants at the root. It is enough to water tomatoes in damp soil once a week with this growth stimulator to significantly improve the development of an extensive and healthy root system, thanks to which the above-ground part absorbs all the nutrition present in the substrate.

According to reviews from avid summer residents, in addition to tomatoes, all seedling crops and indoor flowers respond well to the application of aloe infusion. Within a day after spraying, seedlings of cucumbers, capsicums, eggplants, cabbage, and petunias look more powerful, the stems thicken, and the color of the leaves becomes richer.

Use a free growth and root stimulator prepared at home from aloe regularly, and you will see for yourself its effectiveness. Have a good harvest at your summer cottage!

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