How to make young trees bear fruit

How to make young trees bear fruit

If young fruit trees still do not begin to bear fruit, then it is necessary to do some simple pruning of the branches. After it, the next year the garden will bloom and produce the first fruits. This method will also help stimulate a mature tree if it is not bearing fruit.

The process of stimulation pruning for fruiting

How to make young trees bear fruit

In May, after the leaves appear, it is necessary to trim the tops of all branches of the young tree by 10-15 cm. Within a month, young shoots will fork from each cut. In June they also shorten. Then pruning is repeated in July, but it can be postponed until early September.
How to make young trees bear fruit

How to make young trees bear fruit

After winter, a tree pruned 3 times during the summer will bloom and produce its first harvest. The method works 100%. They can stimulate any fruit trees, nuts and even lilacs. Naturally, if the tree is very young, it must be actively watered all summer long so that it takes root well. If the soil is depleted, then fertilizers will not hurt.
How to make young trees bear fruit

How to make young trees bear fruit

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