How to save garlic until next year

It is rare that the harvested garlic crop can last until next year. Usually it rots or dries out before the end of winter. If you prepare and store it correctly, it will not spoil until the next harvest.

What you will need:

  • dry rags;
  • scissors;
  • wicker basket or mesh bag.

The process of drying and preparing garlic for storage

The key to long-term storage of garlic is proper drying. It is dried together with the tops for at least 2 weeks. The garlic should be ripe and firm when squeezed. If the head is soft, it will not last through the winter. It must be used immediately, for example, for seaming. Garlic that is ready for storage should have dry not only the bulb, but also the stem and leaves.

The heads are cleaned of soil and husks. You can wipe them with a dry cloth. Then their roots and stem are cut off with scissors.

Peeled, prepared hard heads of garlic are placed in boxes with lattice walls or a wicker basket.

They need to have good air circulation. Without this, the crop will rot. Even more practical is placing the garlic in a mesh bag.

Garlic should be placed in a dark, dry place. If everything is put in a drawer or basket, then a lower kitchen cabinet is suitable for storage. The net can be hung in the pantry. Storing garlic in the refrigerator, basement or cellar is not a good idea. It will definitely go bad there.

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