After a year of storage, garlic is like fresh, the best way to preserve the harvest

After a year of storage, fresh garlic is the best way to preserve the harvest.

Often harvested garlic spoils before the next harvest. It turns out that no matter how much you plant it, the reserves rot, mold or dry out, so by the beginning of summer or even earlier you have to buy garlic in the store. To prevent it from spoiling, it must be stored correctly.

What you will need:

  • glass jars;
  • gauze.

How to properly store garlic

To store garlic, you need to prepare glass jars. They are sterilized as for canning and dried. Dry garlic is placed in jars to the top. Then it is covered with gauze folded in several layers. The lid does not fit.
After a year of storage, fresh garlic is the best way to preserve the harvest.

Jars of garlic are placed in a free nook in the kitchen or in another warm room where a constant positive temperature is maintained. There is no need to put them in the cellar, much less in the refrigerator. As you use the garlic, you should first take it from one jar, then, after it is empty, from the next. It keeps better in full jars.Garlic stored in this way will be fresh even next August.
After a year of storage, fresh garlic is the best way to preserve the harvest.

After a year of storage, fresh garlic is the best way to preserve the harvest.

After a year of storage, fresh garlic is the best way to preserve the harvest.

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