Soft seat mat for a stool

Soft seat mat for a stool

Sometimes, from completely waste material that is sent for take-out and recycling, you can make practical and useful things that will be useful to you in everyday life.
Soft seat mat for a stool

For example, accumulated deposits of worn out women's tights and balls of not the most beautiful yarn, leftovers from projects or the dissolution of old things. All this, as a rule, lies unused or is simply thrown away. But by using some imagination, you can get the right thing, for example, a soft seat mat for a stool or other attribute of a hallway, balcony, or landing.
Soft seat mat for a stool

Let's prepare thick yarn or connected threads from the leftovers, which we will wind into large balls, tights that will never be worn again (old children's tights and knitwear cut into strips are also quite suitable for this purpose, but stockings are preferable, since there is no cut edge, and means debris from cut threads) and a crochet hook of at least N 5.
You can knit a circular rug or a square one.
Soft seat mat for a stool

We subject old tights to execution. Cut off the legs from the top. This is what the blanks for the volumetric part of the rug will look like. We start knitting with a pair of air loops of yarn.Then we put tights into the knitting and begin tying it.
Soft seat mat for a stool

Soft seat mat for a stool

Having made 5-7 loops, loop the chain, and then do everything knitting columns without cape. We knit in a circle, braiding the stocking, and not forgetting to add loops evenly as the binding is completed to get an even and dense “pancake”.
Soft seat mat for a stool

Soft seat mat for a stool

When one stocking ends, we carefully “embed” the next one inside the previous one and grab it tightly with a working thread. In the finished product, the joint is completely invisible.
Since the loops are large, knitting such a seat mat is quite quick.
Soft seat mat for a stool

Soft seat mat for a stool

Soft seat mat for a stool

The last 1-2 rows can be done without inserting a stocking, so that the round seat has an even edge.
Soft seat mat for a stool

Soft seat mat for a stool

The rug is quite thick and elastically soft, comfortable for sitting. If necessary, it can be secured to a stool using a cord or braid, tied by the legs. If you do not use leftover yarn, but select bright threads by color, the rugs will come out elegant and even with a thematic pattern, so again there is room for handicraft imagination.
Soft seat mat for a stool
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Comments (1)
    #1 IRINA CHERNYAKOVA Guests August 22, 2017 09:58
    My grandmother knitted rugs like this, all her stools were covered with them, it was soft and comfortable to sit on. Grandma has been gone for a long time, but we still use her rugs at the dacha.I’ll try to knit them too, otherwise there are very few intact ones left.