Smartphone case

If you want to distinguish yourself in front of your friends and colleagues, or just in front of your relatives, then a crocheted cover is what you need. Such cases, cases and bags for smartphones are an ideal option for modern fashionistas who want something unique and original. Today I would like to introduce you to one of the models of crocheted covers. And the step-by-step implementation of the product will help you knit the cover yourself.

To work you will need:

Smartphone case

- two colors of 100% cotton yarn, mercerized cotton is also suitable;
- scissors;
- hook 1.00 mm.
1. Measure your smartphone and cast on as many loops as necessary to completely cover the width of the smartphone. I got 25 loops.

Knitting We perform with one color of yarn.
2. We begin to knit double crochets.

At the knitting turn we knit 9 double crochets in one loop. It turns out 50+18 loops. This number of loops will remain constant throughout the knitting of the entire product.
3. We knit the next row with columns without. All knitting should look like in the photo.

4. Then we knit another row with single crochets.

5.We attach yarn of a different color, leaving the thread for work. We begin knitting according to the pattern: 2 single crochets, 3 double crochets drawn from 1 row of knitting.

We knit the next row simply st. without nac. the same color.
6. Take the thread of the previous yarn and start knitting according to the pattern.

7. You should have 6 rows as in the photo.

8. We continue to knit as in the previous stages.

9. At the height of a smartphone, we perform double crochets, with 1 air. loop.

We finish knitting with two rows of single crochets.
10. Next we knit the lace. To do this, dial 60 air. loops, and the next row we knit a table. without a crochet.
11. And now you have a ready-made case for your smartphone.

A little patience and you will succeed. Good luck!
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Comments (1)
  1. master1959
    #1 master1959 Guests 28 August 2017 13:37
    Simple and effective. Indeed, a beautiful and comfortable case. I like it. Thanks to the author of the master class.