"Folk" means of combating fogging of car windows

Condensation on the windows of a car, impairing visibility, can lead to troubles on the road, even an accident. Most often this problem occurs to drivers in the winter and much less often in the summer when the air conditioner is running.

Basically, the windows in the car fog up due to the difference in temperature in the cabin and outside, high levels of humidity in the cabin, a clogged cabin filter, alcohol consumption by passengers, etc.

There are special products to combat this phenomenon. But why spend money on buying them if you can use the funds that surround us. Let's try to evaluate their effectiveness.

Will need

We will test the following products:
  • potato;
  • baby shampoo;
  • hand sanitizer;
  • shaving cream.

We will evaluate their ability to prevent the formation of condensation on car windows by comparing it with the common factory-made product “Rain.” X Anti-Fog."

To conduct comparative tests, we will still need the following tools and devices: a ladle with hot water, construction tape and paper towels.

Benchmarking Process

To quickly create condensation on the glass, we will present a ladle with hot water to it, as a result of which water vapor, settling on the cold surface of the glass, turns into tiny drops of water.

To make the test results clear, we divide the car glass into five parts according to the number of products being tested, after wiping it with a dry paper towel.

On the first part we apply the factory anti-fog agent “Rain.” X Anti-Fog." To do this, apply a small amount of it on a paper towel and wipe the area of ​​glass designated for it with it. Use a dry towel to remove excess product to avoid streaks.

Cover the second area of ​​the glass with shaving cream, applying it directly to the surface and spreading it over the glass with a new paper towel. We also remove excess with a dry paper towel until the glass becomes transparent.

We reserve the third area for baby shampoo, also applying it with a paper towel and removing excess with it.

Rub the fourth zone completely with a fresh potato cut, leaving no untreated areas. Then wipe the entire area with a dry paper towel.

The fifth zone is reserved for hand sanitizer, applying it directly to the glass and rubbing it evenly over the entire area using a clean paper towel.

All we have to do is bring a ladle of hot water to each section of glass and visually see how this or that product works. Factory product and shaving cream protect glass equally well from condensation.

Hand sanitizer did not protect the glass from small drops of water at all. Baby shampoo and potatoes showed satisfactory results.

Excellent results with factory product and shaving foam

Our winners.

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