Unusual uses of WD-40

WD-40 is a solvent with added mineral oil. The product has a low viscosity, which allows it to be used as an aerosol and penetrate into any, even the smallest holes, cavities or cracks.

The popularity of WD-40 is explained by its effectiveness and ability to help unscrew any rusted or coated threaded connection. This effect of WD-40 is ensured by its composition and operating principle: a volatile solvent (white spirit) corrodes and softens various types of contaminants, and after it evaporates, a non-volatile lubricant (mineral oil) remains on the treated surface, which provides protection for parts or easy unscrewing of threads.

Note! There are many fakes and analogues of WD-40 on the market, which, although similar in appearance, have a different composition and purpose. It is for this reason that debates about the effectiveness of WD-40 are still ongoing, and reviews about it are mixed: it helped some, and for some, after using a fake, the metal parts became rusty. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase the product in specialized stores, and not from dubious sellers on the market.

The standard scope of application of WD-40 is very wide: from helping to loosen rusty bolts to preserving various mechanisms and equipment. But besides this, an aerosol solvent can also be used to solve non-standard problems. Some unusual uses for WD-40 are discussed below.

Easy cleaning of hands from technical contaminants

Since WD-40 contains a solvent, it can easily be used to wash greasy and oily hands, for example, after overhauling an engine. After spraying a little product on your hands, wipe them with a rag to remove dirt, after which you need to thoroughly wash your hands several times with soap.

Note! Prolonged exposure of WD-40 to the skin is unacceptable, so you need to wash off the product as quickly as possible after applying it to your hands.

Removing old stickers

Removing stickers from any surface is a very thankless task. No matter how careful you are, the sticker will still tear, but the adhesive base will remain on the surface. To avoid mechanically removing the glue and scratching the surface, you can use WD-40. To remove the sticker, just apply a little liquid from an aerosol can, wait 3-5 minutes, after which the remaining adhesive from the surface can be easily removed with a napkin.

Deleting a marker

An aerosol solvent is also useful for removing marker writing on various surfaces. To do this, spray WD-40 on the inscription or moisten a napkin. The marker can be removed quite easily from smooth surfaces. If writing with a marker is made on absorbent or rough surfaces, it is necessary to wipe it several times.

Advice! After using WD-40, it is recommended to wash all non-metallic surfaces with a soapy solution to remove any remaining solvent and lubricant.

Help with snow removal

When removing wet snow, it constantly sticks to the shovel, which significantly complicates an already difficult task. In the fight against snow, this universal remedy again comes to the rescue.

To do this, WD-40 is applied to the surface of the shovel on both sides, and after 3–5 minutes the treated surface is wiped with a rag to remove all softened deposits and foreign substances. Then a thin layer of aerosol is sprayed onto the working surface of the shovel. After the solvent evaporates, a layer of oil remains on the shovel, which prevents snow from sticking to the surface.

Removing the ring

Various injuries sometimes occur in the workshop. If you hit a finger that is wearing a wedding or other ring, then if the finger or joint swells, it will be very difficult to remove it. If there is no damage to the skin, the finger can be moistened with an aerosol can, which will make it easier to remove the ring from the swollen finger.

Cleaning the kitchen sink

Even a material such as stainless steel, from which kitchen sinks are made, is susceptible to the build-up of various deposits. To clean stubborn stains from a metal surface, use WD-40. After spraying the product onto the dirt, you need to wait about 5 minutes for the solvent to absorb into the deposits. Softened deposits are removed with a plastic scraper, and if necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Advice! After cleaning the sink, be sure to wash it and all used accessories with warm water and detergent.

Cleaning metal and cast iron products from rust

WD-40 is excellent for cleaning metal (including cast iron) from rust. Apply the product to the surface affected by rust or other deposits and allow to stand for 3-5 minutes.To make the solvent evaporate more slowly, you can wrap a pipe or other product with a rag moistened with the product. After the rust has softened a little, begin mechanical cleaning using a grinder, sandpaper or other grinding devices. This treatment significantly speeds up the rust removal process and prevents its re-formation.

Vinyl record processing

To remove dirt and at the same time lubricate the records, you can use a small napkin lightly moistened with this product. Gently wipe the record with a napkin, removing the layer of waxy dirt that accumulates on the vinyl. But you shouldn’t be too zealous and wet the plate too much.

How NOT to use WD-40

Finally, let's look at a few examples and areas where you should not use WD-40:
  • Any electronics: The solvent contained in the aerosol can corrode some plastics and thin traces on electronic circuit boards.
  • Door hinges, bicycle and other chains. For these purposes, it is better to use a regular lubricant with a thicker base.
  • Door locks. If the lock cylinder is jammed, you can try to lubricate it with an aerosol, but you should not count on a long-term effect as a lubricant.
  • Rubik's cube and other plastics. As noted, WD-40 can cause some plastics to soften or break (melt). Therefore, for these purposes it is recommended to use a silicone spray rather than a solvent-based product.

Do you have any examples of unusual uses of WD-40? Share your experience in the comments!

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Comments (21)
  1. Barkhudaryan Alexander
    #1 Barkhudaryan Alexander Guests 21 September 2018 19:43
    I lubricate the door hinges. If the door lock does not work well, then after disassembling it I spray it on the thickened lubricant. If the key fits tightly into the cylinder mechanism of the lock, then VD 40 comes to the rescue
    1. the key is then dirty and stains everything
      #2 the key is then dirty and stains everything Guests 22 September 2018 10:31
      the key is then dirty and stains everything
    2. kiv69
      #3 kiv69 Guests June 8, 2022 10:18
      Bad advice. In locks, it is not the lubricant that thickens, but the metal that oxidizes. The oxide products make the lock tight.
      It is better to use silicone or PTFE lubricant, they do not attract dust.
      It’s even better to disassemble the lock and clean it, and only then lubricate it with a minimal amount of lubricant.
  2. Boris
    #4 Boris Guests 21 September 2018 20:25
    If you spray it on a wasp nest, the wasps will die within 1-2 seconds
    1. Guest Alexander
      #5 Guest Alexander Guests 24 September 2018 16:45
      Lies and provocation - they won’t die even within 10-20 seconds (tested), not to mention 1-2 seconds, but during this procedure they will actually ruin your face in a couple of seconds.
    2. Guest Vladimir
      #6 Guest Vladimir Guests September 29, 2018 09:05
      Nonsense! I tried it! Wasps do not react, or rather they react by stinging...
  3. Den904
    #7 Den904 Guests 22 September 2018 14:35
    Good to use when the home button on “old” iPhones (4,5,6) gets stuck
    and has poor contact, leave a couple of jets for a few seconds and everything works fine
    I did it myself several times
  4. Guest Dmitry
    #8 Guest Dmitry Guests September 23, 2018 00:04
    Counterfeiting white spirit and mineral oil???
  5. Guest Alexander
    #9 Guest Alexander Guests 23 September 2018 21:33
    cleaned the injector of the walk-behind tractor
  6. Gennady..
    #10 Gennady.. Guests 24 September 2018 12:19
    some people use WD-40 and when fishing...spray it on a hook with a nozzle
  7. The sun in the palms
    #11 The sun in the palms Guests 25 September 2018 18:34
    The stove hasn't been lit for about a year. A crust of soot formed on the stove damper from rain, snow and condensation, as strong as cement mortar. The damper is neither here nor there (((I suffered for half an hour, spat, took Vede40, sprayed the gap twice with an interval of 5 minutes, swung it - and off I went, dear!))) I waited until the volatile - read fire-explosive - compounds evaporated and flooded the stove. I washed off the soot that leaked from under the flap for 2 hours)))
  8. Valery
    #12 Valery Guests 28 September 2018 22:01
    I washed off bitumen stains on a car, everything was fine, I didn’t damage the paint).
  9. Guest Vladimir
    #13 Guest Vladimir Guests September 29, 2018 09:08
    The most important thing is that it does not say what kind of solvent is in WD-40. This is KEROSENE. Essentially, WD-40 is carbonated kerosene. Which, however, is not bad...
    #14 RRRRRRRR Guests 29 September 2018 16:01
    The button on the Samsung phone worked. So it can be used in electronics