Attachment for cutting tall grass with a trimmer

It is difficult to mow tall and thick grass with a brush cutter and a cutting tool made from a reel with wound fishing line, since the grass is wound around the reel and it gets jammed. Therefore, it will have to be dismantled.

DIY attachment for mowing tall grass

As a cutting element we use a three-bladed knife 255×1.6×25.4×3T, having previously sharpened its working edges.

But even with such a cutting element, the mowing process is not very productive, since the mown grass scatters over the stubble and will have to be additionally raked.

We clean the attachment point of the protective casing with compressed air and at the same time strengthen the junction of the rod with the gearbox, and unscrew the fastening bolts.

In accordance with the dimensions of this unit, we make an overlay from a thick steel plate with some margin in width.

We install the unit in place and attach the cover plate to it with bolts and nuts.

We take an old root fork with six teeth (forks). We cut off the two outer teeth from them and, welded to the crossbar, a tubular element into which a wooden handle is inserted and secured.

We weld one edge of the crossbar with four teeth, slightly shortened, vertically to the protrusion of the plate so that the pricks with their bends are directed towards the mowing. But tests showed that the lower tooth collects mown grass and complicates the work.

Cut off the bottom tooth and repeat the test. The work became more fun and, most importantly, more productive and easier. It also turns out that the middle tooth is not needed either. At the same time, the device for laying grass in windrows is significantly simplified.

We clean and paint the remaining elements of the forks, which improves their glide over the mown grass.

We finally attach the device to the lawn mower and make sure that in the last version it is lighter and more effective.

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