Replacing fishing line in a trimmer

The time will soon come to mow the grass on your property or near your house. In most cases, gasoline trimmers (motor mowers) are used for this. They use nylon fishing line as a cutting unit. It rotates at high speeds and is excellent at cutting down thin grass.

During operation, it naturally wears out and after a while the mower reel becomes empty. But this is not a problem, it can be supplemented with a new one. If you bought a trimmer with a threaded fishing line, then you naturally do not know how to thread a new fishing line into the reel. I will show you how to do this and prepare your instrument for the new season in this master class.

Will need

  • Trimmer line - that’s what it’s called and has a specific purpose.
  • Wire cutters.

Basically everything. It’s not a problem to find wire cutters at home, and fishing line is sold in gardening stores.

How to replace fishing line in a trimmer

By the way, there is more than one way to thread fishing line into a reel, but this, I assure you, is the simplest and most reliable.

Let's get started. For convenience, removes the mowing head from the scythe. Using a rag, we clean it from adhering grass residues.

We unwind the required amount of fishing line from the skein - this distance depends on many factors: the manufacturer of the braid (namely, the volume of the reel), and the thickness of the purchased fishing line. To begin, take a piece 2-3 meters long. And bite it off with wire cutters.

Next, bend it in half so that one end is about 15 centimeters larger than the other.

Place the middle on the tenon between the grooves.

We will wind simultaneously in both directions. We wind the fishing line and fix it temporarily in the grooves.

The winding direction is indicated on the reel by an arrow.

Then we thread the mustache through the holes in the top cover. We put it on the base and snap it into place.

All. It’s worth trying once and next time you will do everything almost with your eyes closed.

We put the reel on the trimmer and start mowing.

If the edges of the fishing line are drawn out too long, they can be cut off with wire cutters to the desired length.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Pavel
    #1 Guest Pavel Guests 7 May 2019 15:04
    Amazing! Just great.