How to get strong and high-quality seedlings

How to get strong seedlings of garden plants

To obtain strong and high-quality seedlings, you need good nutrition in the form of watering with various fertilizers using a medical syringe, which ensures dosage accuracy, feeding directly to the roots and saving watering material.

An alternative to root watering is dosed spraying of seedlings. You should also take into account that tomatoes and peppers do not like spraying their leaves. Young plants are very sensitive and some of them dry out. But they can be brought back to life if you water them with special ingredients.

Recipes for feeding seedlings and plants

Fresh, unboiled milk serves as an excellent supplement. Dilute 100 ml of milk with 1 liter of water and shake well.

Then use a syringe to drip milk fertilizer onto the roots of the plants or spray it onto the leaves.

The balanced composition of beneficial nutrients in milk has a beneficial effect on plants. The lactic acid bacteria it contains have a positive effect on seedlings. That is, milk is not only food for seedlings, but also protection. It strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of diseases in seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers.

Rice water is also useful for watering young plants.

This is one of the best natural fertilizers for young shoots. Pour one handful of rice into a bottle, add a liter of water, shake and keep in a warm place for 1-3 days so that the beneficial substances transfer from the rice to the water.

We filter the resulting composition and use it as fertilizer for seedlings.

We fertilize by drip or spray method. The presence of starch in it provides carbohydrates and other nutrients needed by plants.

Rice water accelerates the growth of young seedlings and strengthens the immune system. Promotes better flowering and higher yields. It is easily available and environmentally friendly. With its help you can save on the purchase of fertilizers. Rice water promotes a healthy bacterial population in the soil and suppresses pests.

Oat water is also useful for watering young seedlings. Place a handful of oatmeal in a bottle, add 1 liter of water, shake and keep at room temperature for 2-3 days.

We filter it and use it as liquid fertilizer for plants. Oats contain minerals that stimulate the development of plant roots and improve soil structure. Oat water is beneficial for many garden plants. It is also used for mulching the soil.

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