Useful and interesting. Page 49

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Another tricky way to open a bottle without a corkscrew

It just so happens that you need to open a bottle of wine, but you don’t have a corkscrew with you. No problem! You can easily open a bottle with something that, in a 90 percent chance, you always have with you. These are the keys to the house or anything else. Therefore, this method

7 ways to beautifully cut potatoes for any dish

Do you want to learn how to beautifully cut potatoes like chefs do? To do this, you don’t have to buy special tools, all you need is a sharp knife and a little patience! There are seven main ways to cut for the most popular dishes:

How to make glasses from glass bottles

Today there are no problems with glassware for any drinks from mineral water to vodka. But there is nothing original about it. It is quite possible that your neighbors on the staircase have glasses or glasses exactly the same as yours on their table or in their closet. But original

DIY birch bark phone case

The modern variety of protective bumpers, glass, and scratch removal liquids is huge and countless. There is only a colossal variety of covers; books, bags, hard, soft, transparent, leather, plastic and

How to open a coconut without tools?

If you ever find yourself on a desert island far from civilization, then issues of survival will be the most important, and much more important than topics such as wealth and recognition in society. And if you get to coconut island, then this

How to cut a fitting into a plastic canister

Plastic canisters have many advantages, which is why they are rarely thrown away, but are reused many times. Another advantage of such containers is the possibility of elementary, but multifunctional modifications for various household needs. Let's tell you how

6 ways to get rid of a padlock

Cases of a key breaking in a padlock are not uncommon. What to do in such a situation? In addition, it could rust or jam. I'll show you six ways to get rid of a lock.

How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Most owners of suburban areas know how much effort and time is required to remove stumps from cut trees. The roots penetrate deep into the ground, you have to dig large holes and chop them with an ax. There is a method of uprooting without

Welding thin metal with your own hands

Even experienced welders take into account the fact that when welding thin metal, it can burn out.Therefore, they recommend carefully preparing workpieces for welding, using suitable electrodes, choosing the optimal current strength and using special

How to open a tin can with bare hands

Anything can happen in life. And if you went on a long hike. And it just so happens that you don’t have an opener or even a knife to open the jar, then this method will help you out. Opening a tin can with bare hands is quite possible. There is no need for this

A way to quickly peel potatoes so that the skin peels off on its own

Suppose you need to peel a whole pot of potatoes for salads or mashed potatoes, it doesn’t matter. In the classic version, everyone takes potatoes and peels each one manually with a knife or using a vegetable peeler, mainly before cooking. There are, of course, those who

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

It often happens that there is a bottle of wine, but it is not possible to find a corkscrew to open it. For example, we came to nature to relax and have a barbecue. Naturally, there is no one nearby for several kilometers. But there is a simple method

How to remove glue after removing tinting from car windows

Tinting car windows using special films has only one advantage - low cost. After a few years, it completely loses its original properties. The appearance of the car is deteriorating, removing the film is not a problem,

8 extremely useful life hacks with cling film

There are objects and materials around us that cannot be used for their intended purpose. Knowing these tricks can make your life much easier and easier. For example, let's take cling film. It is usually used only for wrapping

How to quickly boil soft-boiled eggs in a frying pan

A valuable life hack: how to very easily and quickly feed the whole family a healthy breakfast. To do this, we will boil eggs without shells, since this is much easier and no one will need to peel them after boiling. We will cook the eggs in a frying pan. Yes, yes, exactly in

How to give an old screwdriver new functions

One of the commonly used hand tools for plumbing is a screwdriver. Therefore, it constantly needs care and regular updating, especially if the handle is made of durable but scratchy plastic. Along with the return of familiar

How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

In 99 percent of cases, it is impossible to simply remove a sticker from the rear window of a car. After peeling off, glue from it remains on the stele. It is also very difficult to remove glue residue yourself without special products. You don't really care about detergents

A center punch from an automobile valve that does not give in the hand

It is very difficult to drill a large number of holes in metal parts without punching the center; the drill constantly moves off the usual mark. We recommend a simple punch made from a car valve and a bicycle hub that will save your hands

Is the combination of baking soda and superglue really that reliable? Let's check

Probably every DIYer or DIYer already knows that if you sprinkle super glue with soda when gluing something together, the joint will be much stronger. But is this really so? What happens to superglue when it gets mixed with baking soda?

2 simple devices for fast and high-quality twists

Due to loose twisting and poor tinning, the wires oxidize and the contact between them is disrupted. Over time, the twisted area begins to gradually heat up, which can lead to a fire in the electrical wiring. To ensure that the connection is durable, reliable and

DIY garden hose reel from a car wheel

Plastic and rubber watering hoses, especially long ones, are not easy to unwind and rewind every time. Leaving them on the beds or lawn for the whole season is also not a good idea: you will constantly cling to them with your feet, and you can accidentally damage them.

How to start a fire with a bottle

Over the course of his entire existence, man has come up with a colossal number of ways to make fire without matches or a lighter. Here, for example, is one of them available: how you can light a fire using a bottle using solar energy. The method works quite well

10 Amazing Baking Soda Hacks

This white inorganic powder is found in every kitchen. Despite its simple chemical formula (NaHCO3) and low cost, it can replace many household medications. It is commonly used as a leavening agent in baking or as a cleaning agent.

Do-it-yourself restoration of electric motor armature commutator plates

In fact, all power tools and household appliances are driven by electric motors, the basis of which is an armature (rotor) consisting of a winding and contact plates. If the drive stops working, then if the winding is working properly, the reason is