Is the combination of baking soda and superglue really that reliable? Let's check

Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Probably every DIYer or DIYer already knows that if you sprinkle super glue with soda when gluing something together, the joint will be much stronger. But is this really so? What happens to superglue when it gets mixed with baking soda? By the way, you can use finely ground table salt - extra - instead.

Testing baking soda in combination with superglue

Place a small mound of baking soda on the surface. Let's pour super glue on it.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Immediately everything froze. By the way, heat is released and everything heats up. To check the strength, hit the formed tubercle with a hammer.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Quite reliable. No cracking or chipping. If, of course, you strike normally without fanaticism.
Next, pour baking soda into a matchbox and also add super glue.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Let's try to drill and tap the resulting rectangle.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Screw in the bolt.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Holds up pretty securely.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

At least you can’t just rip it out with your hands.

Surface gluing

There is a plastic watering can with a crack on the side.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Let's first seal the spill with superglue on the crack.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

And then sprinkle with baking soda.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

We check the tightness by filling the watering can with water.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Everything is dry, no leaks!
Next, we glue the broken plastic together using the same method.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

Spill, sprinkle.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

We repeat several times.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

In the end, everything is held securely.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check


Yes, indeed the connection is much stronger than using just superglue.
Repairs based on such gluing are quite suitable for assemblies and parts where there are no significant loads.
Another huge advantage is that hardening occurs instantly compared to glue based on epoxy resin, although soda and superglue are inferior in hardness. But compared to epoxy, super glue has better adhesion to the surface being glued.
Is the combination of soda and superglue really so reliable? Let's check

So for quick repairs, I personally don’t know a better and more reliable method yet and I always use it.

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Comments (10)
  1. Guest Alexey
    #1 Guest Alexey Guests 2 October 2019 13:29
    All this is bullshit! I glued the crack on the gearbox and the oil was still expelled.
  2. Air Force
    #2 Air Force Guests 4 October 2019 17:59
    Cyanoacrylate with polyethylene has practically zero adhesion (the watering can is made of molded polyethylene, so its tightness is in doubt), the same is true in the case of gluing plastic into a joint.It will glue PVC without problems, polystyrene, composite, aluminum, natural fiber fabrics, leather. But polyethylene or rubber - no. Polyethylene is specially placed under the product to be glued so that it does not stick to the surface. Soda to speed up the reaction so that the acrylic sets faster (acrylic in this glue is a plasticizer).
    1. Guest Sergey
      #3 Guest Sergey Guests October 9, 2019 08:57
      Not only. Small specks of soda dust increase the bonding area and density, and not only speed up drying.
      1. Guest Igor
        #4 Guest Igor Guests 9 October 2019 14:40
        Does it increase the area? Are you sure you are sane?
  3. Guest Oleg
    #5 Guest Oleg Guests November 15, 2019 11:59
    Of course it's bullshit. You can use this thing to glue places where there are no deformations and not on all materials. But not like a watering can or a plug for a car door handle. This is a “half an hour” repair.
  4. Guest Leonid
    #6 Guest Leonid Guests 16 November 2019 23:45
    I glued three radial cracks on a car bumper. I drilled 1.5mm holes along 2cm and filled them with superglue and soda. Sanding, priming, painting. Three years without problems. Almost unnoticed.
  5. badyulin251273
    #7 badyulin251273 Guests November 19, 2019 00:15
    In the store they already consider me a drug addict - I buy glue often. I glued a lot of things on my scooter with baking soda quite successfully. In model making, this method is generally irreplaceable; it quickly allows you to glue, fill cracks, unnecessary holes, etc. It should be taken into account that glue with soda does not immediately gain strength. Use the technique, don't be afraid
  6. Guest Andrey
    #8 Guest Andrey Guests December 2, 2019 21:03
    It’s a good way, I’ll give it a +, it’s been verified, I do it too. Well done!
  7. Gagarin
    #9 Gagarin Guests December 5, 2019 21:05
    Guys! We have been restoring hinge fastenings on laptops this way for several years now!
    out of 100%, a maximum of 5% was returned!
  8. Ivan
    #10 Ivan Guests 3 July 2022 16:35
    I glued it with regular plastic. Absolutely non-working instructions. As a result, I decided to look for other adhesives. Superglue, whether with soda or without soda, is a threshing floor