The plastic latch broke off - how to seal it?

By accident, I broke off the plastic latch on the lid of the washing machine. In appearance, it looks like a hook that fixed the lid and prevented it from opening. If any of you have encountered similar repairs before, you are well aware that you can’t just seal it with superglue - it will come right back off. Therefore, we need another way out, which I came up with.

By the way, my task is more difficult, since the latch did not just break into two parts, but shattered into three: in the middle between the parts, the middle piece about 1 mm thick flew off. Of course, I didn’t find it, but it doesn’t matter, we can do without it.

Will need

All you need to restore the latch:

  • Superglue of any brand.
  • Baking soda.
  • A few staples from a stapler.

Tools: soldering iron, tweezers.

How to seal a latch

The first step is to put the pieces together. To do this, glue them to each other with superglue.

The photographs clearly show that a piece is missing from the side.

We wait 15-20 minutes for the glue to dry. Next, we move on to reinforcing the parts, namely strengthening them with metal staples from a stapler. Using a soldering iron, solder the bracket on one side.To avoid getting burned, we hold it during the procedure with tweezers.

Then a second staple on the other side.

Then a third from the opposite side.

We fuse the brackets flush. The connection is well reinforced. Now it's time to fill the gap. Pour a couple of drops of super glue into it and immediately sprinkle it with soda very generously, heapingly. Immediately press with your finger on this slide so that the soda is pressed as much as possible into the center.

Everything dries instantly, with noticeable heating. Next, we again drip super glue onto this place and again pour in soda - on top we get a kind of pile of frozen substance. It will not interfere with the operation of the unit, and if it does, it can be filed off.

That's all. The latch will no longer come off. I've been using the machine for two weeks now - everything is great.

In general, when soda reacts with superglue, the composition simply turns into stone, I really regret that I didn’t know this before (I saw the idea here -

Friends, if any of you have previously encountered the problem of sealing especially critical plastic components, please share your experience in the comments, I think everyone will be very interested.

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (6)
  1. Revolver
    #1 Revolver Guests 7 April 2019 17:09
    Hello.. I did the following. I wound a not very thick wire around a needle so that there was a spiral. Then I stretched it a little and installed it between 2 plastic parts to be connected. I applied a voltage of about 10-15 volts to the edges of the wire, at least from the battery for a short time. And immediately I connected the parts while turning off the acc. That's it! welding proceeds successfully, reinforcing the elements of the parts.
  2. Vita
    #2 Vita Guests April 8, 2019 07:01
    In such cases, it is necessary to strengthen the rigidity of the product, select a sleeve, the length can be arbitrary, the main thing is to fit more onto the lower part and secure it with heat or glue.
  3. Guest Valery
    #3 Guest Valery Guests April 8, 2019 11:16
    To avoid writing for a long time, you can look at my experience of “communication” between soda and superglue. More than two years have passed and everything is holding strong.
  4. Guest Alexander
    #4 Guest Alexander Guests 21 April 2019 09:42
    soda is EVERYTHING
  5. BigOSSa
    #5 BigOSSa Guests 2 May 2019 15:26
    I use dichloroethane...)
    #6 ENGENE Guests June 19, 2019 11:10
    You need to drill the parts vertically with a 1.5 mm drill and place the steel pin on glue, preferably epoxy