Updating a highchair

Sometimes objects furniture remind us of childhood. Perhaps in your home there is a shabby old children's highchair with peeling paint. If it’s a shame to throw it in the trash, and it doesn’t fit into the interior, you can update it with simple steps. Repainting is the easiest option, but you can also do decoupage. Let's talk about it.


To work you will need:
  • the chair itself;
  • white paint for walls and ceilings, water-based or acrylic;
  • green acrylic paint;
  • soft brush;
  • dishwashing sponge and clothespin;
  • construction acrylic varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • putty and plastic card;
  • napkin with a suitable image.

Updating a highchair

Work order

First, inspect your high chair. Remains of the previous paint must be removed with sandpaper. The quality and durability of the new coating will depend on this.
The second step is leveling the surface. Take decorative putty and apply it in a very thin layer. For this, not a rubber spatula, but an ordinary plastic card is suitable: its smooth sides will smooth out the paste well on the chair, without even sanding required.
Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Let the surface dry: a day is best; in extreme cases, you can dry the chair with a hairdryer and continue working.
Cut a piece of clean dish sponge, about 2 by 2 cm, and use a clothespin to make a kind of handle: this will be our foam sponge. Start applying white paint with this tool to the surface of the chair and its back (start from the back, then move to the front side, and it is better not to touch the bottom of the chair). You need to apply the paint using blotting movements, as if trying to burst the air bubbles that form.
Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Let the layer dry or use a hairdryer. Now it's time to choose the background for the high chair. In this case, we take light green (white plus dark green). Using the same technique, using a sponge, apply two layers of paint in succession.
Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

After the chair has dried, you can begin leveling the surface. Please note: the paint appears to be applied in dots, and the chair is not smooth, but as if it is velvet. But there are no visible brush marks or unpainted areas. Take fine sandpaper and sand the surface. You will need quite a lot of paper: paint particles will get stuck on it.
Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Dilute the PVA glue with water until it is liquid.
Decoupage is the act of placing a layer of paint on an object using a serving napkin. You can find a wide selection of them in stores. In this case, it is better to tear out the motifs from the napkin rather than cut them out (this way they will blend better with the surface). But if the design has clear edges, you can carefully cut it along the contour with sharp nail scissors.
We have a napkin with butterflies. We cut out the butterflies, even if the motif is incomplete (we will place it on the side).
Updating a highchair

First, glue the central motif onto the seat (three butterflies).To do this, place the drawing in the right place, start applying glue with a soft brush, starting from the middle of the image. Gradually adding glue, carefully smooth the napkin, aligning the image. Be careful not to tear the paper. If you are just starting to learn the decoupage technique, then take small motifs: they are easier to handle.
Updating a highchair

In the same way, we place all the butterflies on the seat of the chair and its back.
Updating a highchair

After the glue has dried, all that remains is to attach the back in place and cover all the beauty with two layers of acrylic construction varnish.
Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

If necessary, repaint the chair legs with black paint.
Updating a highchair

Updating a highchair

So, the new piece of furniture is ready! You can find a suitable place for it!
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Comments (2)
  1. Lalika
    #1 Lalika Guests August 8, 2017 11:35
    When I saw the original condition, I thought that the chair would be better off in a landfill! But the result was pleasantly surprising; the child will also be pleased with the chair!
    And the savings are obvious!
  2. Felicity
    #2 Felicity Guests 22 August 2017 14:57
    There are already three of them lying on the balcony! We need to take note, otherwise little guests often come to the children, at least there will be something to sit on. Thank you!