How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

In 99 percent of cases, it is impossible to simply remove a sticker from the rear window of a car. After peeling off, glue from it remains on the stele.
How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

It is also very difficult to remove glue residue yourself without special products. Detergents won't help you much. You can, of course, contact a car wash service, but this operation will definitely incur an additional fee.
By the way, alcohol and alcohol-containing glass cleaners are also useless to solve this problem.

Will need

You need to buy the following:
  • Nail polish remover or white spirit.
  • A rag, bandage or swab for wiping glass.

Everything can be bought without problems, even in a construction or cosmetic store for modest money. What is best for you - decide for yourself. Both products work relatively well.

Removing the glue from the sticker from the glass

We wipe the glass from dust so as not to spread excess dirt.
Then we fill the rags with nail polish remover or white spirit.
How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

And we begin to wipe the glue off the car glass.
How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

Everything is done very quickly, without unnecessary problems.The glue dissolves perfectly and is instantly removed.
How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

And now your glass is clean without streaks or marks from the sticker.
How to remove sticker marks on car glass in 1 minute

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest
    #1 Guest Guests 1 October 2019 20:40
    Better, of course, is pure acetone or solvent 646.
  2. Ivan Novoselov
    #2 Ivan Novoselov Guests March 18, 2020 12:58
    vegetable oil or a regular eraser to erase pencils