How to remove super glue marks from skin?

Super glue, for a long time, has one constant property - even in the most careful hands, it always somehow mysteriously ends up on clothes, furniture and the skin of the hands, leaving extremely unpleasant marks, spoiling things and bringing terrible discomfort to a person. And it’s good if you only used glued hands - things damaged by stains sometimes cannot be restored.

How to remove super glue marks from skin?

To get rid of glue on your hands, try first of all using “Antiklue Supermoment” - a special product from the manufacturers of the famous “Moment” glue, which, if possible, can remove traces of super glue. Rub it into the resulting stains - then wait. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.

If you have a solution called “Dimexide”, then using a cotton swab you can apply this product to the glue marks, then rub and rinse with warm water. Again, the procedure should be repeated if necessary.

You can also make a warm bath (the glue loses its properties as temperatures rise, which stimulates the rapid weakening of its grip on your skin) and hold your hands in it for 5-6 minutes. For greater productivity, you can add a few drops of liquid detergent to the water.

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Comments (6)
  1. PlanKton
    #1 PlanKton Guests November 3, 2013 09:47
    I just take an old disposable vest style razor and just lightly "shave" the superglue off the skin.
  2. isa23
    #2 isa23 Guests 10 April 2018 12:14
    Dimexide - under no circumstances! Will drive the glue under the skin. Then this superglue kept coming out of my hand for a year. It's better to sprinkle salt
  3. Vitaly
    #3 Vitaly Guests 26 July 2018 17:35
    I used vinegar to wash super glue off my fingers - it helped!!!
  4. Grey
    #4 Grey Guests September 27, 2018 07:11
    I thought that this was a way to remove superglue from leather products... It’s not a problem to remove it from your hands.
  5. Guest Victor
    #5 Guest Victor Guests 17 December 2018 19:06
    You can carefully remove it with medium-sized sandpaper.
  6. Air Force
    #6 Air Force Guests 4 October 2019 18:02
    Initially, this glue (cyanoacrylate) was invented for sealing wounds on the battlefield, as a replacement for plasters and bandages.
    Therefore, there is no need to steam with it, it will fall off on its own within a day - as a result of natural secretions of the sweat glands.