How to open a coconut without tools?

How to open a coconut without tools
If you ever find yourself on a desert island far from civilization, then issues of survival will be the most important, and much more important than topics such as wealth and recognition in society. And if you end up on a coconut island, it will be real luck, since coconuts are not only delicious food, but also a source of fresh water!
There is only one problem - the nut shell is very hard, and there is not a single tool at hand!
However, not everything is so bad if you have the desire and strength, because you can open a coconut with your own hands if you use what nature has given!
In order to get to the middle of the coconut, you will need:
  • hands and a certain physical strength;
  • stones.

Process of opening a coconut

First you need to understand that hitting the stones with the coconut itself is practically useless, since the coconut shell is very hard.
How to open a coconut without tools

It is necessary to find large stones to throw on a coconut that is squeezed into a crevice or pressed down by other stones.
In order to achieve the result, it is necessary to secure the coconut in such a way that the pointed side is at the top, and not the one with which the nut was holding the stem.And hitting a coconut “from the side” is completely useless!
How to open a coconut without tools

How to open a coconut without tools

Now all that remains is to find a larger stone and throw it from a height onto the nut until cracks run along it!
How to open a coconut without tools

These cracks divide the shell into several segments, which can be opened with the force of your hand and thrown away to get to the kernel of the nut, covered with fibers!
How to open a coconut without tools

These fibers are only good for starting a fire, so most of the time they can just be cleaned and thrown away!
The long-awaited coconut kernel is in hand, but the work of opening it is not yet completed, because the kernel itself is also quite strong!
How to open a coconut without tools

If you look closely at the coconut kernel, you can see three dark spots on it, two small and one large, which are very similar to the eyes and mouth of some animal. Between the “eyes” a line goes back, like the ridge of a spine! This is where you need to hit the cannonball on the stone to split it!
How to open a coconut without tools

How to open a coconut without tools

How to open a coconut without tools

This is a completely working method, which, however, has certain disadvantages and nuances!
What you need to know:
  • Firstly, in order to break a shell with a stone, great physical strength is needed, and therefore for children and many women this may not work;
  • Secondly, you need to be careful not to hit your leg with a stone;
  • Thirdly, even if you get to the core and manage to break it, you can splash all the water that was there.

But if you just need coconut water, then there is a little trick that will help! Remember “eyes and mouth”? So, the spot representing the animal’s mouth is quite soft, and if you pierce it with some sharp stick, you can drink all the water from the core without spilling a drop!
How to open a coconut without tools

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