How to make a strong blind area yourself for many, many years

This type of work is quite physically challenging and requires preparation. But, if you try, you can do it yourself.

First you need to decide on the size of the blind area. It is possible to make it wider on one side of the building and narrower on the other. Planning and calculation in such a matter matter.

We make a strong blind area with our own hands

According to the size of the future blind area, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil. This way you can adjust its height. Next, fence off the front of the work with wooden panels. Make marks on the foundation every 50 cm where the cement will lie. The blind area is usually made on a slope, so on the opposite side (on the board) the marks should be lower. Now you can lay crushed stone and construction waste around the perimeter. The contents should be compacted well with a hand tamper, or a vibrating plate should be used for this purpose. There is no need to insulate the blind area with foam plastic and other materials. And using roofing felt will make it more expensive. For durability of the blind area, you can lay a reinforced frame before pouring the solution. This way she will become stronger.And to reduce the likelihood of cracks forming, it is important to complete the next stage in one day. The weather should be sunny, but not very hot.

The following solution is mixed in a 100 liter concrete mixer: 1 bucket of cement (20kg), 3 buckets of sand, 5 buckets of crushed stone and 1.5 buckets of water. This information is usually indicated on the cement packaging.

The concrete is laid out in bulk and then leveled using special tools. It is important to use a level to achieve the perfect result. The solution can be sprinkled with water on top to facilitate the leveling process.

The next day the blind area will be quite strong. And if traces of a caterpillar or cat appear on the cement, they can be rubbed off with a floor polisher, having previously moistened the damaged areas with water. There is no need to rush to remove wooden panels; wait at least another day.

Moreover, the concrete will dry out and strengthen over the course of a month. At this time, it is advisable not to walk on the blind area unless absolutely necessary. But it is already ready for use!

By following the steps described above, you can get a good blind area that will serve for many years.

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