How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

With the help of a heating and cooking stove, you can not only heat the room, but also cook food. However, the combination of materials such as brick, cast iron and clay (cement) with different coefficients of thermal expansion leads to cracking of the coating and the appearance of cracks.
Sealing with clay or cement based mortar gives only a temporary effect. The solution that our ancestors successfully used will help you get out of the situation and forget about this problem for a long time.
How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

Will need

To prepare a miracle solution according to ancient folk recipes, you will need materials and tools that will not require almost any costs, since they are junk or are found in every home:
  • ash (wood or coal);
  • ordinary table salt;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • burlap for sifting ash;
  • small spatula.

The process of preparing the solution

How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

To sift the ash, we use burlap made of artificial materials, folded in half or three.
How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

Pour the ash onto a makeshift sieve and move it over the burlap with a gloved hand, kneading the hard lumps.
How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

When all the fines have fallen through the sieve, shake off the remaining large, unbreakable lumps and solid particles from the burlap into the trash can and proceed to sifting the next portion of ash.
Add ordinary table salt to the sifted ash. The question immediately arises: what should be the relationship between these two components? It is not at all easy to answer this question clearly.
There are no problems with salt - it is a standard product, but ash can be different both in origin and fractional composition. But in any case, much less salt is added. If there is 2-3 kg of ash, then 200-300 grams of salt is enough.
Mix the components thoroughly with a spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained. For example, 2-3 kg of mixture must be continuously boiled for five minutes.
Add a little water to the resulting mixture, periodically adding small portions, constantly stirring the mixture. The water should be clean, preferably boiled and hot, so that the salt dissolves faster and completely.
How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

We continue mixing until a homogeneous mass is obtained, the consistency is slightly thicker than sour cream, and does not stick to the spatula or the walls of the container in which we are kneading.
After some soaking, we use the resulting solution to seal the gaps between the bricks and the slab, and also renew the collapsed plaster. After about three hours the coating will set and harden. But it is better to give it 2-3 days to dry.
How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

The first time we heat the oven without raising the temperature too much. The second time we increase the heating, and the third time we bring it to the operating level. After such drying, the solution will last for several years without overheating or cracking.
How to mix an ultra-reliable oven mortar that does not crack

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Comments (8)
  1. Peter Tkachenko
    #1 Peter Tkachenko Guests 19 June 2020 23:11
    How many years have I lived and not known about such a solution? Great.
  2. Sergey.
    #2 Sergey. Guests 21 June 2020 16:54
    I would like to note to the author that the rate of dissolution of salt (NaCl) does not significantly depend on the temperature of the solvent - water.
  3. Yuriy Deynekin
    #3 Yuriy Deynekin Guests 27 July 2020 23:06
    Incorrect, instead of mixing ash with salt, you can simply use salt water - then the mixture will be homogeneous automatically.
  4. Igor
    #4 Igor Guests August 4, 2020 01:56
    Is it possible to somehow justify why such a solution would be better than clay and sand?
    In general, I seriously doubt that the mixture of ash and salt will set.
    But even if it sets, then different parts of the furnace still have different expansion coefficients and cracks will form at the joints of the materials.
    This can only be avoided by using elastic fillers, such as
    asbestos fiber, fiberglass...
    Creating gaps at the junction of metal and stone.
    The oven itself, if it is made of brick, then the closest material in terms of properties is clay and sand.
    And in general, in our time it is not rational to make a stove out of brick; it’s easier to make it out of welded iron...but with the use of ceramic lining inside.
  5. Palkin Mikhail Vladimirovich
    #5 Palkin Mikhail Vladimirovich Guests 6 August 2020 18:18
    I once made a solution with salt, clay and sand, although without ash. I swore off adding salt to the masonry... The whole point is that salt absorbs moisture from the air and the seams get wet and stains remain. I always make the solution like this - two parts sand and one part clay, water to the desired consistency. With this solution, my seams never crack, but it depends on the quality of the sand and clay. I found a recipe about 25 years ago in a book, where it was advised to find the required proportions, dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream and then add sand to the solution you need. here the fat content of the clay and the quality of the sand are automatically taken into account. So I found the proportions of sand and clay 2 to 1, and have been doing this ever since.
  6. Michael
    #6 Michael Guests 16 August 2020 09:30
    Any stove maker knows that the main thing for coating a stove is washed clay! Either from the shallows of a flowing stream, or it should rest for a year in a barrel under rain runoff from the roof of the house.
  7. Kirill
    #7 Kirill Guests 15 January 2021 23:57
    Very good solution. Heat resistant and lasts a long time.
  8. Max
    #8 Max Guests 17 January 2022 13:29
    Igor. How do I understand 2 buckets of clay and 1 bucket of sand? Which sand is best to use: river white sand or black sand? My mother made a batch of clay, sand, ash, salt, liquid glass, it didn’t crack for a long time, I don’t remember how much of what I needed, I forgot.