Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 177

Master classes:

How to cheaply restore a rusty tool

Almost always, if any tool is left idle, it begins to rust. You just have to leave the pliers or wire cutters in an unheated room for one winter and in the spring you can see a layer of red rust on the surface. I'll show you the cheap one and

Wago terminal blocks: purpose, explanation of markings and subtleties of application

Twisting and soldering are a very reliable way to connect wires, but such methods are not always convenient. When performing electrical installations, many people prefer to use Wago clamps. They quickly connect wires and allow for repeated disassembly with

How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

Wing nuts, like regular hexagonal products, are standard hardware that can be easily purchased at any store that sells building materials or hardware.

Butter from cream

What does real butter consist of? And it consists of only one component - cream.This kind of natural butter, made from cream alone, is almost impossible to find in our stores. Despite the fact that on the shelves of large

How to make a receiver for a 12 V compressor from a fire extinguisher

Using a 12-volt compressor, you can inflate tires, remove debris and dust, blow out (clean) grid elements, inflate balls, supply compressed air to a spray gun, etc. If the compressor is equipped with a receiver, its operation will be easier

How to fry potatoes with a crispy crust quickly and easily

What could be simpler than fried potatoes? Everyone has their own way of preparing this simple and delicious dish. Some add spices and onions, others prefer only salt, some cover with a lid, others fry in large quantities.

Amplifier with germanium transistors

As you know, the first transistors that replaced radio tubes were germanium. Their invention played a big role in the development of electronics, making electronic devices more functional, economical and

How to check grounding in 1 minute

I will tell you how to quickly, simply and effectively check the presence and quality of your grounding in just less than a minute. I would like to make a reservation right away and clarify that this verification method is artisanal and is prohibited by all guidelines and rules for

How to Protect Your iPhone Charging Cord

In places where there is a sharp change in the diameter of the iPhone power cord, stress concentration is most observed during its operation (bending, stretching).As a result, in these sections the insulation wears out faster or is even completely lost

Delicious and inexpensive homemade sausage made from chicken thighs and minced pork

You can diversify the taste and reduce the cost of sausage, without compromising the taste, by using chicken thighs. This is the juiciest and meatiest part of the chicken, so homemade sausage will not be dry, and due to the fact that the chicken is cut

Let's make it on a hike: DIY folding fork-spoon

There are a huge variety of folding tools for outdoor picnics, fishing and hiking. One of the most important, in my opinion, is a foldable set with many options. In a good set, in addition to the knife blade itself, there may be a fork

Egg “Chicken on a Cloud” - for those who like to eat eggs every day

Those who are ready to eat eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner most likely know about the existence of unusual dishes from such a familiar food product. How to prepare one of them will be described below. The special thing about this recipe is that it can be

How to use a vacuum cleaner to find a leak in a car's exhaust manifold

The appearance of the smell of exhaust gas in the car interior is one of the signs that the exhaust manifold has leaked. It is rare to find an obvious, immediately noticeable crack on it, so usually everything comes down to a difficult search for a miniature hole when

DIY heated towel rail installation

Having a heated towel rail in the bathroom is very convenient. With its help, you can always dry wet laundry, washed baby diapers, and other things.In addition, a heated towel rail can serve as a heating element for the bathroom.

How to install a socket if there are short wires left

Over time, in Soviet houses, sooner or later it is necessary to change sockets. They become loose, modern Euro forks do not fit into them, there are other reasons. Wiring in old buildings of the Soviet Union is made of aluminum. Aluminum single core

Homemade sausages without casing - frikandels

Beef sausages, visually reminiscent of a cigar and without a casing, are the Belgian national dish. The composition of frikandels is similar to our cutlets, but with some features. Very similar to cevapchichi, but I personally like the taste

Making a wood cutter from a wrench

Experienced craftsmen can make do with a semicircular carpenter's chisel to make a bowl (recess) in a wooden spoon, and this is perhaps the most difficult and important operation in the manufacture of such a product. If you don't have practice working on

How to make a flexible shaft for a drill

A flexible shaft for a drill or screwdriver, an item that is used extremely rarely. However, if you need to drill a hole or screw in a screw in a hard-to-reach place where a screwdriver cannot fit, it is better to have this tool available. Even if the place

A simple recipe for delicious homemade sausage

Real sausage is made from meat. Don't believe me? Then let's prepare it with our own hands according to a very simple and understandable recipe, without special equipment or professional skills.

How to keep your remote control buttons in perfect condition

Nowadays, almost everyone in the house has electronic equipment that needs to be controlled using a remote control. With frequent use of the remote control, the symbols printed on the buttons are erased over time, causing some discomfort when

How to drill through any high-speed steel with a tile drill

How to drill high-speed steel grade P6M5 or HSS according to the European designation? For example, we made a knife from a blade from a mechanical saw, and we need to drill holes in it with a diameter of 5-6 mm for pins to install and secure the pads

Replacing the valve in 20 seconds without removing the wheel

Tubeless can bleed air through a valve, the rubber of which becomes covered with through cracks over time. Usually, having such a problem, you need to go to a tire shop or disassemble the wheel yourself in order to insert a new valve from the inside

A simple way to get rid of dirt sticking to fender liners and sills

With the arrival of winter, a number of unpleasant surprises await all motorists associated with this wonderful time of year. One of these annoying troubles is the constant sticking of dirt mixed with snow on the fenders and sills.

Methods for removing stripped and broken wood screws

When screwing a self-tapping screw into solid wood, you may encounter the notch on its head being torn off or the head itself being torn off. As a result, a screwdriver or screwdriver can no longer unscrew the damaged fastener. Despite such difficulties, removing the damaged