How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

Wing nuts, like regular hexagonal products, are standard hardware that can be easily purchased at any store that sells building materials or hardware.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

With wing nuts everything is clear and understandable: they are needed where it is necessary to frequently unscrew and tighten them, and quite tightly, without using keys. These could be electrical terminals, container lids, inspection hatches, etc.
But sometimes there is a need to use not a wing nut, but a wing bolt. For example, when operating a quick-release coupling consisting of massive parts. Wing bolts, unlike wing nuts, are rarely found on sale. Fortunately, you can make them yourself.


To make a wing bolt you will need a regular hex head bolt and any plastic bottle.
From tools and devices it is enough to have:
  • vice;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • pliers or pliers;
  • mini drill.

Sequence of manufacturing a wing bolt

Almost any adult can implement the step-by-step instructions below.
1. Using a hacksaw for metal, cut off a part of the neck with a thread from a plastic bottle, which should be slightly higher in height than the height of the bolt head.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

2. We fix the bolt in a vice by the rod, so that its head rises slightly above the upper edges of the clamping jaws of the vice.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

3. From above we put the cut off part of the bottle neck with a thread on the bolt head.
4. Using a hair dryer, heat a cut fragment of a PET bottle from a certain distance until it softens. Depending on the temperature of the air flow, this should take 5-10 seconds or so.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

5. We take two pliers and squeeze the annular plastic fragment from two opposite sides so that it tightly clasps the bolt head and at the same time stretches in opposite directions and, at the same time, its strips should weld (glue) together.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

6. If during the formation of the bends the temperature of the plastic has decreased and it has lost its fluidity, then you can carefully warm them up again with warm air and complete the work.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

7. Using a mini drill, knife and scissors, while the plastic is warm, remove the sagging, trim the ends and cut off the lower part of the wings of the lamb so that they do not interfere with tightening the bolt to the end.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

As a result, we get a wing bolt with a plastic wing sitting quite securely on its head. The strength of the resulting combined part is such that it will not be easy to break it by hand.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

In addition to making a wing bolt or nut, this method can be used to unscrew nuts and bolts in unexpected situations when, for example, you do not have a suitable wrench at hand.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

It holds very securely and cannot be easily unscrewed or broken by hand.
How to make a wing bolt from a regular bolt and a PET bottle

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Comments (15)
  1. Sector
    #1 Sector Guests 29 January 2019 19:45
    Gentlemen! I am a mechanical engineer by profession, although I am an aeronautical engineer. But throughout my entire study and service in the USSR/RF Armed Forces, I have never encountered wing bolts. Maybe someone can explain to me, an ignoramus, why this bolt is needed. I personally find it very difficult to understand. Maybe the new generation has come up with something fantastic? Although there are doubts. But I’ll still be glad to hear what the WING BOLT is for. Everyone knows why a wing nut is needed, even the author of this material. But here's the bolt. It is very serious. You can be nominated for the Nobel Prize as the latest developments for humanity.
    Stupid people did not understand that it is not the wing nut that needs to be twisted, but that one must, with incredible effort, try to rotate EXACTLY the wing bolt, and let the nut unscrew itself from the rotation of the bolt. I wonder what educational institution the author graduated from?
    1. Guest Alexander
      #2 Guest Alexander Guests 29 January 2019 22:43
      Apparently they didn’t study well or lost their imagination completely. At the factory they specially made bolts with heads, albeit from PCB or caprolon. In my case, for rotating mirrors. I attach a ruler to a circular saw with a similar design... and many other places. I just won’t make it from plastic :)))
      1. Sector
        #3 Sector Guests 30 January 2019 14:07
        I studied well. I don’t have a diploma with honors, but there are only 2 fours on the score sheet, the rest are fives.
        The same question for you that I asked below. What is BOLT. Thank you in advance for your answer.
        1. Guest Sergey
          #4 Guest Sergey Guests 11 May 2019 19:46
          Lying is bad. You don’t have a diploma or education either. Several B's are allowed for a diploma, but you didn't know about this because you didn't study at a university.
    2. Sergey K
      #5 Sergey K Visitors January 30, 2019 01:04
      I recently sharpened myself a few wing bolts, they are much more convenient than regular ones, you can tighten them by hand. And everything is fastened with bolts in my machines - in a metal milling machine, M8 bolts can be used to fix any of the feeds, in a woodworking machine, bolts secure the guides, and so on. In general, there are a lot of applications, you can, of course, twist it with a key, but it’s more convenient to use handles ;)
      It’s strange that the engineer has never encountered anything like this. I’m not an aviation engineer at all, but in a box of hardware that I once collected from a landfill near an aircraft factory, I have quite a few of these bolts. I don’t remember exactly, maybe the MiG 18 was dismantled for parts
      1. Sector
        #6 Sector Guests 30 January 2019 14:04
        Stop. Let's define what a BOLT is. Describe its purpose please, I will be very grateful.
        1. Guest Vladimir
          #7 Guest Vladimir Guests February 1, 2019 12:18
          The engineer is pretending to be a fool, although he won’t admit it.After all, the use of such bolts and nuts is versatile, and these bolts and nuts do not necessarily have to bear any load. In my time, I have encountered these wing nuts and bolts in sufficient quantities to put you, as an engineer, to shame in the fact that you have never seen them and are not familiar with them. The common well-known use of these nuts and bolts in winter fishing rods is that they do not carry any load, but only hold the reel, the fisherman will not carry a key with him and, every time he moves from hole to hole, unscrew the nut with a key to reel in the fishing line and back at the next hole. first unwind it with a wrench and loosen the nut, you must agree that this is nonsense, just like your statement above.
        2. Vitaly
          #8 Vitaly Guests 27 August 2020 19:30
          SektorGuests30 January 2019 14:04 0
          Let's define what a BOLT is. Describe its purpose please, I will be very grateful.

          Sharik, you idiot!
          Bolt is a universal thing! It holds a lot of things and in case of emergency you can put it down! Where? yes, anywhere or for everything...
          Tundra you...
      2. Sector
        #9 Sector Guests 30 January 2019 14:09
        MiG-18, what is it? It will be very interesting to find out. Apparently I missed something in this life, like the wing bolt.
    3. Sergey K
      #10 Sergey K Visitors January 30, 2019 01:20
      Let me add a little - in military equipment, in general, bolts that can be unscrewed by hand are used quite widely, for example, in almost all devices, battery compartments are fastened with such bolts, and usually small ones and it’s clear why - so as not to carry a bunch of screwdrivers with you, but on the other hand, it’s reliable fix the part. They are also fixed in the hole so that they do not get lost in the field.
      But when I needed 6 and 8 mm bolts, it turned out that they simply don’t sell them for reasonable money, Aliexpress offers several items, but a bolt for 3-4 dollars is too much, IMHO. I simply turned 20mm washers on a machine, rolled ribs on them, cut the required threads, screwed pieces of studs into them and secured them with a thread lock. Do you know how many times you need to change the position of the stop when sawing? And the Moldovan manufacturer equipped everything with ordinary bolts. Before that, I simply attached the key to a magnet directly on the machine, because on the table I either ran away from vibration or got covered in shavings.
      1. Guest Gosha
        #11 Guest Gosha Guests 21 May 2019 17:21
        You don't understand the difference between a BOLT and a SCREW. You write about screws, but call them bolts, this is due to illiteracy, technical illiteracy.
  2. Guest Victor
    #12 Guest Victor Guests February 2, 2019 07:39
    Strange dispute, comrades! If you don’t need a wing bolt, make a wing nut - it’s more common. A method for a nut will probably work too. You don’t need a nut either, just have a cold beer :-)))
  3. Guest Alexander
    #13 Guest Alexander Guests 23 March 2019 19:37
    I tried it, after heating the plastic becomes brittle and breaks easily
  4. psevastopolskiiy
    #14 psevastopolskiiy Guests 13 May 2019 23:16
    Well, okay, let’s say the bourgeoisie have nothing to do, so they make snotty garbage out of plastic, but Russia is, first of all, reliable, granite and for centuries. Is it a problem to drill a hole in the head of a bolt?!, and screw in a key ring, too. They look for complexity in the simple. But the plastic really breaks with such a grip, and I repeat, well, this is not our method. ))))
  5. Guest Maxim
    #15 Guest Maxim Guests 10 June 2020 04:28
    Bolt into nut, screw into part. The engineer got to the bottom of the word.