Butter from cream

What does real butter consist of? And it consists of only one component - cream. This kind of natural butter, made from cream alone, is almost impossible to find in our stores. Despite the fact that on the shelves of large supermarkets, as a rule, you can find a dozen or more varieties of oil from different manufacturers, it happens that there is not a single natural one among them.

Do you want to get a natural product? Make it yourself. Moreover, preparing butter at home is very simple, easier than you might imagine. For this we only need a mixer and cream. But the cream must be good, preferably homemade and full-fat - at least 33 percent fat.

Making natural butter

1. Place the cream in a bowl. Fresh cream is runny, but cream that has been left in the refrigerator for a couple of days becomes thick.

2. First, start whipping the cream at high speed.

3. At first, no visible changes occur.

4. After about a minute and a half, we will see that the cream has thickened slightly and ripples have begun to form on it, like on water.

5. After another minute we see that the cream has noticeably thickened.

6. The cream thickens even more.Switch the mixer to lower speeds, otherwise the cream will splatter.

7. The cream begins to gather into lumps, and in some places the liquid - the butter - begins to separate from the lumps.

8. The division is becoming more pronounced.

9. And even more obvious.

10. Our oil turned out to be yellow, and the butter was transparent.

11. Collect the solid part into a lump.

12. Take it out. If our cream has already turned sour before use, then the acid will remain in the butter, and the butter will have a neutral taste.

13. Next, we need to rinse the oil lump well in very cold (straight ice) water. We do this by changing the water several times. In the process of this procedure, we give the shape of the lump.

14. So, from 500 ml of cream you will get approximately 280 ml of butter and 220 grams of butter. The yield will depend on the fat content and quality of the cream. Maslyanka can be used to prepare dough for dumplings, pancakes, dumplings, bread, and just drink it. This is a healthy drink.

15. This is how we got a lump of butter.

16. You can give it any shape - oval, square, rectangular. I will line a plastic box with polyethylene and put our butter in it.

17. Place a piece.

18. Compact and give the desired shape.

19. Place in the freezer and use as needed.

What you need: cream from 33 percent and above.

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Comments (9)
  1. MX
    #1 MX Guests 29 January 2019 13:39
    The liquid is buttermilk
  2. Sector
    #2 Sector Guests 30 January 2019 16:19
    I learn so many new things here on the site. It turns out that butter is made from cream. A very original version. Have you tried to be nominated for the Nobel Prize?
    Cream is a product that is obtained after milk has settled. This is how cream was separated from buttermilk in the old days. In Soviet times, separators swirled the milk and separated from it first the cream, then the sour cream and, at the very end, the butter. The author would like to visit the village at least once in his life and see the process of making butter.
    By the way, it is much more practical to make butter from sour cream. The process takes a maximum of 1 minute using a mixer. I just don’t recommend buying sour cream in the store; you won’t get butter from it in your life. As well as from store-bought cream. The point is that there is practically no milk in store-bought cream and sour cream, well, maybe it is present in small doses, but there is no way to whip them up.
    Therefore, buy sour cream only at the market. 1 minute of work with the mixer and from 200 grams of sour cream you get about 180 grams of butter. Just add a little salt to the sour cream, it will taste better.
    And whipping cream is like masturbating. much longer, but the price will be the same. But if you are not lazy, then whip butter from milk. The price will be the same.
  3. Sector
    #3 Sector Guests 30 January 2019 16:25
    In pursuit. You obviously lied about the yellow color of the oil. The color of the oil will be WHITE. This is the natural color of the oil. Why would it be yellow if the milk is white and the milk has not been subjected to heat treatment?
    In production, this is added to the oil as a DYE and it turns out yellowish in color.
  4. Sector
    #4 Sector Guests 31 January 2019 14:34
    Can I make some more jokes? Will the moderators mind?
    Since butter is made from cream, then Peasant Butter is made from peasants.
    And cow butter (the current generation of iPhones has never heard of it) is made from cows.
    1. livestock breeder
      #5 livestock breeder Guests 10 February 2019 17:30
      Stktor you need to visit the village all my life I have been engaged in cattle breeding producing milk and products from it, but I haven’t seen the miracle of separators that separate cream from milk and then sour cream and then butter, but at home butter is made from cream by churning in a butter churn, if not, you can use with a mixer or blender or a 3 liter jar as a last resort
      1. Sector
        #6 Sector Guests 12 February 2019 16:53
        I may be wrong about the order in which they are separated from the milk. I’ve been to a farm once in my life, just like in the village itself. That was a long time ago.
        But making homemade butter is much easier from sour cream. I hope you won't argue with this?
        1. Anton
          #7 Anton Guests 30 October 2019 21:55
          I lived in a village for 20 years, and you visited once and seem to know everything. Even with store-bought cream~ it makes butter, but Sour Cream no, it won’t.
      2. Sector
        #8 Sector Guests 12 February 2019 16:55
        If you are not lazy, you can also whip butter from milk. There is essentially no difference. The only question is the time of whipping it.
  5. Ll
    #9 Ll Guests 5 November 2020 20:22
    Sektor, you wrote nonsense.You can buy cream in the store, but not lower than 33%, and beat it into butter. Milk will not extract butter. It is necessary to pass the milk through a separator to obtain cream - this is ideal, it makes excellent butter. You can whip butter from homemade sour cream, but it’s better to use cream. I haven’t tried churning from store-bought sour cream, but I’ve churned butter from cream without any problems.