Rubber band dress

Weaving figures from rubber bands is very popular now. In my master class I want to talk about how to make such a craft in the form of a pink dress with a black belt. Detailed step-by-step photographs will help you understand the intricacies of the manufacturing process.

To create it we will need:
- Lots of pink and two black elastic bands;
- Machine;
- Hook.

rubber band dress

Preparation method:
1. We put two rubber bands on the pegs.

rubber band dress

2. Now two more pairs.

rubber band dress

3. We put on the next pink pair of elastic bands diagonally.

rubber band dress

4. Put on another pair straight.

rubber band dress

5. We wrap the elastic band three times around the last peg.

rubber band dress

6. Using a hook, pull out the bottom loop.

rubber band dress

7. We transfer it to the previous column.

rubber band dress

8. We repeat the same with the remaining loops.

rubber band dress

It should turn out as shown in the photo.

rubber band dress

9. Now we begin to remove the part from the machine.

rubber band dress

10. We put the first and diagonal loop on the hook.

rubber band dress

11. The result is such a detail, you need to make a second one exactly the same, repeating all steps from points 1 to 10.

rubber band dress

12. Now we put 9 pairs of rubber bands on the right side of the machine.

rubber band dress

13. We do the same on the left side.

rubber band dress

14. Now we put on two elastic bands diagonally, as shown in the figure.

rubber band dress

rubber band dress

15.We put seven pairs of pink rubber bands on the central pegs.

rubber band dress

16. At the end, we string two elastic bands diagonally.

rubber band dress

17. We put our two blanks, one part on the last right and left pegs, and the other part on the fifth pegs, counting from the end.

rubber band dress

18. We wrap the elastic band twice through the fourth row of columns.

rubber band dress

19. We put the elastic band on the next pegs in a triangle shape.

rubber band dress

20. We also put on a few more elastic bands, as shown in the photo.

rubber band dress

21. We put an elastic band on the last central peg and wrap it three times.

rubber band dress

22. Remove the bottom loops from the last column and put them on three nearby pegs.

rubber band dress

rubber band dress

rubber band dress

23. Now we remove the loops from the central row using the same principle.

rubber band dress

24. We also remove the diagonal loops and put them on the side posts.

rubber band dress

25. Remove the loops from the left and right sides of the machine.

rubber band dress

26. Take the elastic band and use a hook to make two loops through the first side loops (on both sides).

rubber band dress

It turns out like in the picture.

rubber band dress

27. Carefully remove the product from the machine.

rubber band dress

28. Straighten the dress.

rubber band dress

29. We wrap two black elastic bands around the waist.

rubber band dress

30. Hide the top loops with a crochet hook, pulling them into the inside of the product.

rubber band dress

The glamorous pink dress with a black elastic belt is ready!
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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