12V Portable Disc Sander

Work in a home workshop is varied. Sometimes it is necessary to grind or sharpen some part or workpiece. But there is no sharpening machine, and the grinder is missing. A portable tool, assembled almost on your knees, can help out in such a situation.
The disc sander featured in today's video is completely portable. In addition, if the voltage with a fixed network is 220 V, this tool will come in handy. After all, it is powered by a 12 V battery.
12V Portable Disc Sander

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Brief characteristics of a homemade grinder

The operating principle is based on the transmission of torque from the engine to the grinding disc. Using such a tool, you can sharpen scissors or a knife, or process a wooden or plastic workpiece.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

What do we need for work?

  • Simulation DC Motor 775;
  • Handle from a drill or hammer drill;
  • 12 V battery;
  • Cable sleeve with hidden bolts;
  • Switch button;
  • Wires with insulated terminals;
  • Heat-shrinkable tubes or electrical tape;
  • Bolts, nuts, washers.
  • Tools:
  • Drill or screwdriver with a Phillips head;
  • Drill for the diameter of the engine shaft;
  • Soldering iron;
  • Metal and regular scissors;
  • Sandpaper, compass;
  • Pliers, knife, pencil;
  • Matches or lighter;
  • Quick setting or superglue.

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

Assembling a sander - step-by-step master class

Engine installation

For the base of our grinder you will need a handle from a drill or hammer drill with a clamping clamp. It should be of a size suitable for clamping the engine housing.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

Next, we take a 12V motor and select a cable sleeve for it with a threaded hole at one end and an open clamping hole at the other. This element is necessary for clamping the grinding disc, since there are no threads in the motor shaft itself.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

We clamp the sleeve on the engine shaft and fasten it securely in the handle clamp.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

Electrical diagram

We make a hole in the plastic collar of the handle with a drill with a diameter of 5-6 mm. You will need it to thread the wires through the handle.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

We divide a section of a paired cable into separate wires, strip the ends and tin them with flux and solder. We try on the switch button in a convenient place on the handle. We cut one wire, and from two of its parts we make wiring to the button. We solder all contacts securely. Attach the switch button using hot glue.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

Due to the low voltage, the author of the video chose to connect the device via a 2.5x5.5 DC power connector. These are often used on power supplies for laptops and netbooks. We solder an extension cord with a plug from this connector to the contacts brought out through the handle. We insulate the twisting area with electrical tape or heat-shrinkable casings, burning them with a lighter.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

Sanding disc and final assembly of the sander

We take a sheet of thin but elastic sheet metal and use a compass to mark a circle with a diameter of 100 mm.Using scissors, we cut out the disk and make a small hole in its center for the pressure screw for the sleeve.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

From sandpaper on a fabric base, cut out a circle, previously marked along the disk. Using scissors, cut out a space in the center for the screw head.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

Glue the sandpaper to the disk with superglue, trimming the protruding edges.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

We clamp the sleeve on the motor shaft with hexagon screws. We screw the disk to the sleeve with a screwdriver, squeezing it from the back with an adjustable wrench.
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

The sander is ready, now you can try to sand or sharpen something!
12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander

12V Portable Disc Sander
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