Is it possible to restore a battery for a screwdriver without disassembling it? My experience

There are quite a few examples on the Internet of how you can restore a dead screwdriver battery without even opening it. I just have two batteries lying around that cannot be charged, even if they charge all night.

The recovery method that I will test is suitable for batteries that are no longer charged by a standard device and for those that are fully charged, but their capacity is extremely small for long-term operation of the screwdriver.

The idea itself

The idea is to apply a high current to the battery for a short period of time. After this, as the authors of such ideas promise, the battery almost always returns to work and lives for a long time.

I'm trying to charge my batteries:

The red-green indicator on the charger flashes - this means that the charger renders the battery completely unsuitable for charging. The voltage on it is practically zero.

Both of my batteries have this defect.

Well, let's try to use the recovery method.

Will need

  • Powerful current source capable of delivering 50 A.

I will use a DC welder, as will most of those who recommend this method.

My experience in restoring NiCd batteries

So, I take the first battery.

I set the minimum current on the welding machine, in my case - 45 A. And I connect plus to plus, minus to minus.

All this for a couple of seconds. It's okay if a spark jumps at the moment of connection.

You can repeat this procedure several times. Next, I insert it into the charger and try to charge it.

A miracle did not happen: the indicator also blinks from red to green. I waited a little just in case - everything was the same, nothing had changed.

Okay, let's move on to the second battery. We will also shock it for a short time.

But with the second battery there is already a result:

The indicator started to glow red, which means charging has started.


So, is the idea working? Not really. Although the second battery began to charge, after 10-15 minutes it reached full charge, as the charger showed. As a result, the screwdriver could be used for a couple of minutes. In general, the battery capacity tends to zero.

The result is this: I can’t say that this method is 100% ineffective, but it didn’t help my batteries. Maybe they're too old... Maybe they've been sitting idle for too long....

In any case, be sure to try this method! It won't get any worse, but suddenly you will be able to restore and bring your screwdriver back to life. If you have already used it, write your result in the comments.

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Comments (10)
  1. Guest Mikhail
    #1 Guest Mikhail Guests May 28, 2019 10:34
    Yes, this is nonsense, how can you start something that fell apart, at least it didn’t explode.
  2. popvovka
    #2 popvovka Guests 29 May 2019 08:50
    That's when it booms...
    These elements explode very loudly.
    By the way, it is quite easy to understand. Especially for myself.
  3. ozi
    #3 ozi Guests 29 May 2019 16:28
    It happens that the bank breaks through - you can temporarily reburn/recharge it with another battery or battery. But usually it’s dead and needs to be changed. The method is only suitable as a temporary measure (start the computer, revive the wristwatch for a week) until you buy a new battery. Not suitable for continuing full-scale work. Moreover, in this case, spot welding of tires rots without any problems or all the elements die an senile death and the method gives nothing at all. You can order new batteries from Ali or change the Shurik.
  4. Maximus_
    #4 Maximus_ Guests 30 May 2019 18:39
    Restored hundreds of batteries for power tools.
    Only replacing all elements with new ones, only by spot welding, everything else is a waste of time and money.
    1. popvovka
      #5 popvovka Guests 4 June 2019 18:53
      I agree 100%. I repackage all kinds of assemblies (laptops, screwdrivers, equipment for service stations, medical organizations, geodesy). So I'm used to making new things.In practice, such treatment does not last long.
  5. Senya
    #6 Senya Guests 4 June 2019 20:44
    I once disassembled such a screwdriver, or rather the housing with batteries. There's a whole battery of these batteries. So, among them, two round batteries failed, the rest were still breathing. There was nothing to replace them with, otherwise they might still serve. So the idea of ​​a high charging current is no good.
  6. Guest Oleg
    #7 Guest Oleg Guests 1 July 2019 09:04
    you can assemble one working one from two, but it’s better to solder from new elements and you can increase the capacity)
  7. Sergey K
    #8 Sergey K Visitors July 21, 2019 10:30
    One note - such cunning smart chargers are very critical of batteries; when my car battery is heavily discharged, it is indicated as faulty and is not charged. You have to connect the laboratory power supply and charge it manually for a while. Then you can do it automatically, it already recognizes the battery as valid...

    Secondly, the battery may have a completely unusable element, with a break, for example, so you still have to disassemble it, at least to check the continuity of the elements.

    And so perhaps the method works if a fresh battery is discharged to zero and the standard charger does not accept it, so the adversaries are toiling - But what matters to me is what current, as in the case of rechargers advertised on TV that are plugged into the cigarette lighter, it is enough to apply a little current to the battery and everything will start. So here, the impulse from the welder gives the same recharge, after which the battery can be charged normally.

    But I have my doubts about restoring completely dead batteries. Although... I still have a Soviet “finger-type” battery lying around, which still works quite well in a watch with charging once every six months.
  8. Nikolai Nikolaevich
    #9 Nikolai Nikolaevich Guests 3 January 2020 21:15
    It is better to restore batteries and accumulators by aperiodic charging - 90-95%. Sulfation goes away, even watch batteries are restored - tested by practice. I will explain to anyone interested.
  9. Gleb
    #10 Gleb Guests 28 November 2020 15:43
    This is not a method of charging, but a method of destroying dendrites. In principle, after such a burn, you need to charge it with a pulsating current.