Handicraft techniques. Page 54

Master classes:

Bottle with cereal

Such bottles are sold in specialized gift stores. But, excuse me, you can make them yourself! There is nothing complicated here. A little creative translation of the products available in the house, a minimum of effort and we will get a wonderful

Wedding champagne

For work you will need: a bottle of champagne, water-based paint, a sponge, various ribbons, beads, livestock or colored adhesive tape, scissors, super moment gel glue, threads, a needle.

Papier-mâché Easter egg

In order to make our craft - a bright, unbreakable Easter egg made of papier-mâché, we will need PVA glue, newspapers, water, gouache paints and plasticine.

Matryoshka for teapot

The matryoshka doll has long been the hallmark of Russia. “Russian beauties,” as our guests from far abroad call them, delight the eye in any design: painted in wood, in clay and ceramics, and in colorful patchwork pieces made using the patchwork technique.

Roses on a ball – topiary

To begin with, we take the most ordinary napkins.I took snow-white ones, but you can take plain ones of any shade.

Basket using 3D applique technique

Today I want to share with you how to make one of the options for a bouquet basket using the 3D applique technique.

Ring pad

To make a beautiful and original pillow for rings we will need: a piece of satin fabric, scissors, cardboard, ruler, pencil, needle, threads, beads, beads, silicate glue or super glue gel, padding polyester (or any other) filler,

Mittens Puppet Theater

A puppet theater in which fairy-tale characters are made from mittens is a great way to diversify the holiday for kids or give adults the opportunity to feel like children again. Making a mitten doll is very simple. Below are

Crochet set - hat and scarf

I bring to your attention a master class on a crocheted set - a hat and a scarf. It is quite suitable for both winter and cool spring. The set looks original, and a small flower on the cap gives it some zest. It fits perfectly

Decoration of wedding glasses

In order to beautifully decorate the glasses we will need: baked plastic in 2 shades, 2 types of beads, beads, superglue, stained glass paints, a blank sheet of paper, a brush and, of course, the glasses themselves.

Transferring an image to polymer clay

I’ll tell you about an interesting and now very popular method of transferring an image onto polymer clay.With its help, you can make completely unique and very beautiful jewelry for yourself or as a gift. First you need to choose the right one

Polymer clay jewelry

Every woman is familiar with the situation when it is simply impossible to find a suitable decoration for an outfit! In my case it was like this: I was invited to a party in the style of the 60s. A suitable dress was found quickly, but the accessories were a problem! I didn't like anything and

A gift for your loved one – a pencil holder with ducklings in love

A handmade pencil holder can be a wonderful gift for your loved one on Valentine’s Day. For it you need to have the glass itself and two knitted figures of ducklings: a boy and a girl.

Tree of Happiness

I want to share with you how I can create an amazingly beautiful tree of happiness from simple things at home, which will decorate your interior and give you a pleasant feeling from the work done.

Amulet doll “Share”

The “share” is made and given to both married and unmarried girls and women. It has long been believed that this amulet doll helps the female sex to arrange or improve their destiny. An integral advantage of this amulet is that a share can be

Beaded cherries

Everyone loves to receive gifts. At the market you can choose whatever your heart desires, but you won’t find such a gift anywhere. It’s not at all difficult to make such a souvenir, a little patience and effort - and you’re done!

Christmas tree decor

In this master class we will decorate the ball using decoupage and craquelure techniques (aging effect). So, we will need a very ordinary ball, maybe an old one that was lying around in your Christmas tree decorations.

Lamp for children's room

More than once it happened to me, standing in a store, to look at all kinds of lamps, sconces, lamps and night lights... My eyes ran wild from the variety of their colors, shapes and styles - just have time to buy and hang them in your rooms! But when it came to

Painting a porcelain plate

Ever since I was captivated by such a fascinating activity as glass painting, I was pleased to discover that the eternal question “What to give?” I somehow decided on my own. After all, for any occasion in life there is always an exclusive item ready,

Glass painting - imitation of stained glass.

When the cold October rain rustles outside the window, when the last leaves are torn from the branches by the piercing wind, when... That's it! We urgently take the initiative, as well as the brushes and paints, into our own hands! Let's start creating a bright summer mood!

Beaded cat

In order to make a cat from beads with your own hands, we will need: 1) Czech beads of two colors. I chose gold as the main one and silver (for the belly); 2) Green, pink small and large beads for eyes and cheeks; 3) Two large beads

Folk doll

Nowadays, quite a lot of attention is paid to traditional crafts; we are learning again to do what our ancestors knew how to do.And this is good, because this way we can understand how these people lived, what they believed in and what they were afraid of. One of the traditional crafts is

Heart from Quilling

Sometimes we spend so much time choosing a gift for our other half that we forget that the most valuable gift is a gift with our own hands. In order to make a heart out of paper we need red paper, one sheet of stationery is enough

Elegant stylish vase

There are a lot of methods for making crafts from scrap materials. I love watching on various television programs how craftsmen make all sorts of crafts with their own hands. From there I got the information and the desire to do something in the decoupage style.