Amulet doll “Share”

The “share” is made and given to both married and unmarried girls and women. It has long been believed that this amulet doll helps the female sex to arrange or improve their destiny. An integral advantage of this amulet is that the share can be changed and improved if the owner wishes. The main feature of the amulet is her braid, which cheerfully and lively sticks straight up. With the help of this braid, the doll is suspended, thereby embodying the saying “catch fate by the tail.” Many needlewomen believe that the longer the braid, the greater the likelihood of catching fate.
In order to make the “Share” amulet, you need to have the following materials: woolen threads (several skeins of different colors), scissors, PVA glue, and various improvised items for winding.

The whole process can be divided into three stages:
The first stage is to take a skein of thread and wind it around a handy object.

You need to repeat this kind of operation three times. You should end up with three windings of different sizes - a long one for the mow, a medium one for the torso and a short one for the arms.

You determine the thickness of the winding yourself, based on what thickness of the body, arms and braid you want to get as a result.
The second stage - the windings for the braid and body are cut on one side.

The winding for the handles remains intact.
The third stage is connecting all the parts into a single whole.

This stage looks complicated only at first glance. Perform actions based strictly on the photograph and it will seem quite easy and accessible to absolutely everyone. At the same time, remember that you cannot cut anything on the doll itself or straighten the threads. If you need to correct something, separate the necessary part and correct what you want.
And also, you should remember two very important rules: when making a doll, the use of knots is unacceptable. Loose threads should be threaded, and a drop of PVA glue is often used to secure. If desired, the “Share” can be decorated with all kinds of ribbons and “braids”. Ribbons at the waist and on the braid can be tied in a bow or in a knot.

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Ira
    #1 Ira Guests November 22, 2017 09:29
    Just. available. Thank you.