Magnet amulet in the form of a folk Slavic feeding doll

My friend collects refrigerator magnets. So I decided to give her a magnet-amulet in the form of a folk Slavic feeding doll.
It was possible to make another type of Slavic doll, but I really liked the connection between the words “feed” and “refrigerator”. So I thought: the doll will be a talisman for prosperity in the family, so that the refrigerator is always full.
To make such a talisman, we will need the following materials: various bright shreds, a little padding polyester or cotton wool, multi-colored threads, narrow braid with ornaments, a magnet and universal glue. The only tools you need are scissors.

So let's get started. Take 3 square pieces of fabric, two colored, one white. The side dimensions of the square of fabric should be no more than 10-12cm, otherwise the doll will turn out to be very large. And it will be difficult for you to work with fabric of a smaller size, especially if you are doing it for the first time. You need to take just enough centipone so that its amount corresponds to the fabric as shown in the photograph.

The white piece is the head, more filler will go here. For colored patches, add less and equal amounts of filler.
Next, placing the centipon in the center of the scraps, tie the fabric with thread.
It should look like this.

Now fold the two opposite edges of the white fabric and wind them with thread to make it look like in the picture. These will be the hands.

Next, place the balls between your hands - this will be the chest, and wrap them tightly with thread.

Now you need to make the skirt. To do this, apply and wrap a piece of dark fabric as in the picture.

We wrap the skirt “inside out” so that later, when we carefully turn it inside out, it will be fuller.

Next, cut out the scarf.

And he also ties it with a belt of braid, with which we cover all the threads at the waist.

The feeding doll is ready. All that remains is to glue the magnet.
We coat the magnet with universal glue and glue it to the doll.
Let it dry.

The magnet feeder is ready.

Now she can start guarding the refrigerator. And most importantly, no one else will have exactly the same magnet.

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