Beaded cherries

Everyone loves to receive present. At the market you can choose whatever your heart desires, but you won’t find such a gift anywhere. It’s not at all difficult to make such a souvenir, a little patience and effort - and you’re done!
Take beads of red, green, light green, beading line, needle, wire of different diameters and two beads. For the base, instead of beads, you can make balls from papier mache. Tear the newspaper into small pieces, put it in a bowl, add warm water and roll two balls from the resulting mass. Let them dry. If you have red acrylic paint or nail polish, paint the “future cherries.”

To make a berry, take a needle and fishing line, secure the bead to the fishing line with two knots and string as many red beads as the distance from one hole of the bead to the other. The main thing is to choose the exact number of beads so that the cherry turns out smooth, without corners. We pass the needle through the hole and string the same number of beads again. And so on until the entire bead is covered with beads.

Then we take a piece of wire and string the resulting cherry, bend it halfway and collect light green beads.Next we twist the two ends of the wire. We make the second cherry in the same way.

For the leaf you will need thinner wire and green beads. We take a piece of wire and fold it several times - this is the center line of the leaf. We put beads on the remaining end of the wire and begin to “twist” (see photo). On one side of the leaf we cut the wire, leaving 1.5 cm, and bend it.

OK it's all over Now. All that remains is to collect all the details. To do this, we make up the ends of the wire of cherries, a leaf and wrap these three components with the remnants of the wire from the cherries. We tie a ribbon and look for the lucky one who will receive such an unusual gift.

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Comments (1)
  1. lenavt
    #1 lenavt Guests 28 August 2017 19:06
    Such cuties) I’ve made earring cubes for myself before, it’s worth trying the cherries. I advise you to find a light bead in the middle so that it is not hard on your ear.