A gift for your loved one – a pencil holder with ducklings in love

A handmade pencil holder can be a wonderful gift for your loved one on Valentine’s Day. For it you need to have the glass itself and two knitted figures of ducklings: a boy and a girl.
Ducklings can be crocheted from yellow yarn using single crochets. Each duckling consists of two elongated balls - ellipses.

Filling is stuffed inside them: cut foam rubber or padding polyester. Just avoid filling it with cotton wool, as it will be inconvenient to wash the toy later.
Ducklings are decorated with the obligatory red or orange beaks. They can be either knitted or made from fabric or cardboard.

The feet of ducklings can be either flat or shaped like hemispheres. If you choose a model with flat feet, then the option of cardboard or fabric feet is also possible.

We sew on eyes made of buttons, beads, beads, or specially purchased ones for toys. You can glue cut out eyes from cardboard.
The “boy” duckling can be decorated with a knitted or cardboard hat.

“Girl” - we highlight the duck with a bow, tail or beads.

Now take a glass for pencils. We wrap it with a sheet of paper, pre-painted to look like a birch tree. You can sign the “birch” with names and decorate it with hearts.

We wrap the glass with a knitted chain and fasten the chain to the bodies of the ducklings.

You can use a cigarette holder instead of a pencil holder. In this case, we cover the flat box that contains the cigarette pack with colored paper “like a fence” with the same inscriptions and hearts.

By the way, craftsmen can crochet a pencil holder and a cigarette holder without using additional items. A lace knitted glass - pencil holder is knitted to the size of a regular glass, the finished product is pulled onto a mold, after holding it in a solution of gelatin or starch. The dried pencil holder is attached with threads to the finished ducklings.
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