Elegant stylish vase

There are a lot of methods for making crafts from scrap materials.
I like to watch on various television programs how craftsmen make all sorts of things with their own hands. crafts. From there I got the information and the desire to do something in style decoupage. With good imagination and available materials, you can make very interesting and unique things. The technique itself allows you to perform work using fabrics, paper, leather, buttons, flowers and much more.

Here, for example, a rather inconspicuous coffee can, sprigs of old artificial flowers and an ordinary fruit net were transformed into a magnificent golden vase with the help of imagination and gold paint. In my case it was a mesh. You can use any textured material.

We clean the jar from the paper label and put a mesh on it. By the way, you can do it without a net, but it’s more convenient to attach flowers to it. We paint the mesh jar with gold spray paint. However, the paint can be of any color. If it didn’t paint very well the first time, don’t worry.

We carefully fasten in random order, that is, as your imagination tells you, twigs with leaves and flowers. Beads can be attached to the center of each flower. Twigs and flowers can be secured to the mesh cells with thread or glue. I think that additional elements made from seashells will look very good.

After fixing all the additional elements, paint the resulting vase again on all sides and let it dry. I want to warn you – the vase is decorative. You will not put fresh flowers in it. However, you can put dried flowers or artificial flowers treated with the same paint. I hope that such a vase will decorate your interior. In the same way, you can make a glass bottle of an unusual shape in decoupage style.

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