Vases made from plastic bottles

You can make some pretty cute little things for your home and garden from plastic bottles. Shall we try? We will need five liter bottles and some other things.

Openwork vase.

This vase is made using a soldering iron.

Vases made from plastic bottles

The easiest option is to solder through holes in a cut bottle. But if you wish and/or have soldering iron attachments, you can come up with a more complex pattern.

Hold the finished vase near an open fire to round the edges.

Vase in technology decoupage.

To make such a vase you will need acrylic paints and napkins with a pattern.

So that the edges of the cut bottle are not so sharp, I turn the workpiece over for a few seconds (!) onto a hot non-stick frying pan and lightly press down its center with my hand. The edges of the bottle instantly bend inward and the vase is ready for further work.

Using a sponge slightly moistened with water, apply acrylic paint to the plastic surface of the former bottle. A light base background is best suited for decoupage. I used several colors that blend into each other.

Glue the elements cut from a napkin onto a dried vase using PVA glue.

It is better to lubricate not the paper, but a piece of the vase. Place the cut out pictures on the area coated with glue and go over them again with a brush with glue.

When the glue is completely dry, you can finish painting the details with a thin brush.

Vase decorated with jute.

Perhaps the most aesthetic option. We will need a ball of jute rope, universal glue, and large buttons.

Align the edges of the cut bottle using the method described above. Apply universal glue to the surface of the workpiece. It is not necessary to lubricate every centimeter - just walk in a zigzag around the vase. We wind the jute around the vase, trying to ensure that the threads lie close to each other.

From the remaining rope we make decor. The activity, frankly speaking, is dirty and you will have to get your hands dirty. But what is the result!

Using universal glue, we glue the decorative elements along with the buttons onto the finished vase.

Women's vase.

For such a vase you will need pink fabric and ribbon.

We wrap the bottle blank with cloth. To secure the edges of the fabric from the inside, press them down with decorated cardboard. Since the bottom of the bottle is uneven, it is better to cut the cardboard from the edges to the center.

We secure the fabric on the outside with tape.

The vase for feminine accessories is ready.

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Comments (1)
  1. Catherine
    #1 Catherine Guests August 29, 2017 05:26
    In my opinion, it is best to wrap the resulting box in fabric, so it won’t even be visible that the product is from a plastic bottle. The main thing is that there is fabric and some kind of decor, I think the old beads will be just right!