
Popular wisdom says that everything new is well forgotten old. Modern fashion is once again returning to ancient techniques and production techniques. Today, vintage is becoming more and more relevant. The effect of “aging” is inherent in the interior, decorating things, even manicurists have adopted “craquelure” varnish. With this product, fashionistas create the effect of cracks on their nails that imitate crocodile skin.


In most cases, the “aging” effect is used to decorate modern household items. It was fashion trends that influenced the widespread use of technology “decoupage" Use napkins and glue to decorate whatever your heart desires: cutting boards, flower pots, bottles, cabinets and much more. This technique not only gives life to old things, it can also create unique designs from modern household items.

Anyone can master this technique. Decoupage does not require any special skills. It is enough to tear out a piece of napkin on which the drawing is displayed. It is advisable that the image be on a white background. After this, you should separate the colored layer of the napkin. This is what needs to be glued, for example, to a flower pot.To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to follow simple rules: do not put too much glue on the brush (you can soak and tear the napkin), smooth the napkin with a brush from the center to the edges (if you glue the edges right away, folds may form), the design will look most clearly on white background.

Knowing these subtleties, you can create a unique thing in ten minutes. Today, napkins are sold with various ornaments, floral and marine motifs, various animals are often depicted, and some napkins feature portraits of beauties in retro style. Using household items decorated in this way, you can even create an interior in a retro or ethnic style.

Vintage in general and decoupage in particular is a great way of self-expression. You can safely experiment with combinations, combine retro with modern, mechanized processing with manual decoration. To create a masterpiece you will need imagination and a little patience.
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Comments (1)
  1. Lilidjina
    #1 Lilidjina Guests August 21, 2012 05:36
    Thanks to the author for the post!