Basket using 3D applique technique

Very often in classes with children we make voluminous applications. Including bouquets of different colors, made using various techniques.

Today I want to share with you how to make one of the options for a bouquet basket using the 3D applique technique.

Basket using 3D applique technique

To make a basket we will need:

• Colored paper in two colors,
• Ruler,
• PVA glue,
• Scissors,
• Pencil.

We draw out each sheet of colored paper and then cut it into strips 5 mm wide and as long as possible.

If you find ready-made paper strips for quilling on sale, you can completely use them.

After the strips are cut, you can begin weaving the basket itself. Probably everyone wove something similar in childhood, intertwining strips of two colors with each other. Therefore, I will not describe the weaving itself.

When you have assembled a rectangle that suits you according to the size of the future basket, you can begin to give it a slightly inclined shape.To do this, the two sides of the basket need to be slightly stretched, that is, create a little more space between the strips, so that they no longer lie close to each other in the weave.

If this shape suits you in appearance and size, glue all the joints of the strips as follows: turn the basket face down and drop a small drop of PVA glue onto each joint. Let the basket dry. After this, we cut off all the excess strips, retreating from the weaving by about 15-20 mm. We carefully bend the remaining tails onto the wrong side of the basket and glue them with glue.

To decorate the basket, as well as to make the handle, we need to roll up a large number of “barrels” from the same paper as the basket. For the “barrels”, cut the remaining yellow strips in half and the brown strips into three parts.

To twist the barrels, I used a regular sewing needle. Although there are special devices for working in technology quilling. After twisting, be sure to glue the end of each “barrel”, otherwise everything will unwind.

We glue yellow and brown “barrels”, alternating them in color, along the top and bottom of the basket.

You can see how it looks in volume in this photo.

Glue the basket to the bouquet. Why do we smear only the bottom of the basket and glue it in place. When the bottom of the basket is glued, glue the sides so that the top of the basket moves slightly away from the base of the applique, giving the basket the desired volume. It is better to glue each side of the basket separately, allowing it to dry.

Now we lay out the handle of the basket with the same “barrels”, also alternating them by color. For convenience, you can first draw a line where the handle of the basket will go.

Our basket is ready.You can put a butterfly on the handle or decorate it with a beautiful bow.
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