Thread box

Beautiful and convenient boxes for storing various trinkets are always needed in the house. For example, I like to knit, but over the years of doing this hobby I have collected a lot of leftover yarn, which, on the one hand, I need, and on the other, is constantly lying in

Women's mittens with a Norwegian star

For work you will need: 1. a set of knitting needles of 5 pieces, size No. 3, do not choose long models. For knitting mittens, medium length is considered the best option. 2. a special knitting pin (it’s better if it’s also No. 3, it won’t ruin the product and

Miracle diaper cake

The birth of a new person is triumph, joy, tenderness! How I want to congratulate my loved ones on this event in a beautiful and original way! A wonderful handmade cake made from baby diapers will not leave any happy mother indifferent. A

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Napkin with embroidered roses

Ribbon embroidery is one of the most original and exciting types of needlework. Products decorated with such embroidery look very rich and, at first glance, complex. However, this impression is deceptive. I'll tell you the secret of creating something like this

Leather bracelet

Recently, women's fashion has included accessories made from rough, rather brutal materials. Most often, the raw material for their production is leather or leatherette. To make my bracelet I used the following materials: •

Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your needs.

Postcard panel with 3D effect

Panels are used in interior decoration to fill the walls. There are several types: carved, wooden, artistic, marine themed and others. Most often, a panel with flowers is made, which organically fits into the decor of the room.


Every girl experiences changes in her image. Having changed your hair color, you will have to again select a bunch of accessories for your hairstyle, since not all of the previous ones will fit. However, you can add a new note in a less expensive way. It's easy enough to update

Children's apron

I am more than sure that most people do not sew such a kitchen trousseau as an apron, but buy it in specialized stores. Buying a ready-made apron is much easier and faster than sewing it yourself.But believe me, the baby will have a much more pleasant time

Case for phone

A phone case is a very necessary thing. It simultaneously protects the phone from damage and is a decoration. And an unusual case, made by yourself, will also emphasize the individuality of its owner. For example, you can make a case from felt

Decorative candles

The use of candles can not only decorate a boring and dull interior, but also create a special, unique mood. At the same time, candles never overload the interior; it is not for nothing that they are the main decorative item in the minimalist style. If you

Valentine - it's me

Before Valentine's Day, every girl in love begins to really panic: she wants to give something special and symbolic. Well, what can you think: you can just give a funny Valentine. Well, of course - Valentine's Day! Just not a simple one, but

Crown for the Snow Queen

To make the Snow Queen's crown, we will need the following materials: - foam rubber - a can of silver paint - a cutting knife - a needle - white threads - silver sequins - white acrylic paint - silver satin ribbon - large


It’s easy to make a beautiful hair tie with your own hands. To do this, you will need a few materials that can be found in any home. List of materials: 1. scissors 2. needle 3. thread (black and white) 4. glue (you can use a glue gun


Girls will definitely like this toy.To sew it you will need a little patience and free time. For work you will need: yellow, white and orange and black fleece, striped cotton fabric, thread, needle, scissors, cotton wool or

I give you my heart

The most famous symbol of February 14th is the heart. We invite you to please your loved ones and sew a heart-shaped pendant. This pendant can be used to decorate not only a car, but also a loved one’s workplace. Our models are very easy to manufacture and

Felt Christmas star

Making your own decor is a very exciting activity. Holidays always inspire and give new ideas for creating beautiful products. This unusual decor will come in handy this Christmas as a gift for children or friends. It is carried out very

"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing is to make the decor yourself. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple. For

Traffic jam horse

For work we will need: - wine corks; - toothpicks; - threads; - universal glue; - an awl or a large needle; - beads; - a piece of thick fabric or leather.

Santa Claus mittens

New Year is a holiday for everyone, including the main giver of benefits, Grandfather Frost! But the trouble is, Santa Claus was walking in the forest and lost his mitten! How can you hold the staff, it won’t take long to freeze like this! And you should start by preparing everything

Souvenir horseshoe

And so this year is about to pass and a New Year is coming under the face of the Blue Wooden Horse, but if you turn to the Chinese horoscope, it is indicated that if this is the year of the Wooden Horse (as is known: wood is green), then it is considered and


Children really like cute soft toys. And toys made by mother’s hands are especially expensive. You too can please your baby by sewing a cute ginger kitten.

Spruce wreath

In the city, not all owners agree to bring a New Year's tree into the house, citing lack of space. But what would a New Year's holiday be without the smell of pine? You definitely need to bring home a few real spruce legs and make a New Year's wreath your own