
Every girl experiences changes in her image. Having changed your hair color, you will have to again select a bunch of accessories for your hairstyle, since not all of the previous ones will fit. However, you can add a new note in a less expensive way. It is enough to simply update an old product, for example a headband, and the needlework technique kanzashi, will help you with this.
To transform my old headband, I needed. Three colors of satin ribbons, 5 centimeters wide, a candle, superglue, scissors, beads of two colors, accessories for jewelry - a rosette, thread and a needle for beads.

rim materials

First, you need to prepare the material; to do this, I cut the ribbons into 5-centimeter squares.

I cut the ribbons into squares

To prevent the tapes from fraying during operation, their edges must be melted over a fire.

melt on fire

The next step was to fold the green pieces into sharp kanzashi petals; to do this, fold the square into a regular triangle.

into a regular triangle

Then we bend the resulting triangle in half.

bend in half

Now we connect its two lower corners together, and, having drawn such a marking, we cut off everything below. We melt the cut corners well over the candle and squeeze with our fingers so that the edges do not separate.

connect together

drawing the markings

squeeze with your fingers

The bottom edge only needs to be scorched to prevent fraying.

just scorch

There should be a neat hole at the bottom of the finished petal.

neat hole

Using this technology, we make all the remaining petals from green ribbon - these are leaves. My project took 10 of these leaves.
Now let's start making flower petals. Making them is not much more difficult, because they are based on the same sharp kanzashi petal. The main difference between the petals of a flower and its leaves is the number of triangles.

leaves is

It took me 12 squares of pink and beige colors. The meaning is the same, only before connecting the corners you need to put one triangle on top of the other.

pink and beige squares

Now you can form the petal by connecting the corners and singeing the edges to give it a finished look.

connecting corners

form a petal

All important details are ready.

All important details

The next step is to prepare the surface on which we will attach our flower. To do this we need a piece of cardboard, a piece of tape and glue.

piece of tape and glue

Cut out a strip of cardboard that will be slightly wider than the rim. Now we carefully cover it with the prepared tape and singe off the excess edges.

burn off excess edges

Next, we fix the prepared base in the desired area of ​​the rim.

we fix the prepared base

Well, you can proceed to the main part of the process - collecting the flower. To do this, apply a drop of glue at the edges of the petals and glue them together like this.

glue at the edges of the petals

To hide the singed edges and unevenness in the middle, we attach a rosette and a bead of suitable size to the center using a small bead and thread.

small beads and thread

And glue the flower to the center of our blank.

glue the flower in the center

Next, we supplement our work with the remaining petals and leaves in the required order, using the same gluing technology. (photo28) And we decorate it with beads, which we also put on superglue.

complement our work

The work is done.

Kanzashi headband

After a good drying, you can safely decorate any head with such a headband.

Kanzashi headband
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