"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas - not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing to do decor with your own hands. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple.

For making candy

To make sweets and a cup, you will need the following tools and materials:
- 3 sheets of felt of different colors: red, white, pink;
- empty tin can;
- a small package of any cotton wool;
- metallized gold threads;
- paper or cardboard for blanks;
- pencil and ruler, dry soap;
- 2 types of scissors – regular and with rounded tips;
- needles, pins;
- black electrical tape, double-sided tape or glue.

First stage consists of creating blanks. You need to make several paper candy molds using a pencil and plain paper. These will be figures of different shapes, for candies - curved sticks, and for a glass - large circles. It's even better if you have cardboard or thick paper. Then the blanks will become reusable.

Next stage - transferring the blanks onto red felt. Dry soap will come to the rescue to outline the contours.The candies consist of 2 identical curved pieces that need to be sewn together. When transferring, it is more convenient to use pins to secure the fabric, as well as 2 types of scissors. The blanks have rounded places, so scissors with rounded ends will come in handy. Use felt sparingly, placing the pieces closer together.

For making a glass


material for cheolchikov



Having received as a result 2 blanks for each candy, you can begin stitching the samples. The threads must be durable and different in color from the main materials. Connect the felt samples, choose a thin needle and start stitching from the corner. The knot on the thread must be hidden inside.
When sewing the blanks, immediately fill the candy with cotton wool. It is convenient to use a toothpick to push it inside. When the candy is ready, prepare a thin strip of white or pink felt. It will need to be sewn to the finished stick. Wrap the strip around the candy and use a thin needle to sew it to the stick at the wrapping points. It will be faster to pierce the stick all the way through, moving in a zigzag.


christmas candy

christmas candy

christmas candy

Final finishing of candies - winding the same thread around the stick. You can use only this winding or together with a strip of a different color. Prepare several candies, preferably 5 pieces, to make the glass seem fuller.
You can use a decorated cup or tin can as a stand for candy. A tall tin can or jar of nuts works well. To make the edges of the jar less sharp, you can seal them with black electrical tape. You should also decorate the jar with felt. Circle-shaped blanks are useful for the outer and inner bottom of the jar. Glue can be replaced with double-sided tape.Place several strips of tape on the jar and attach felt to the top. The combination of felt and electrical tape will make a beautiful decorated candy cup out of a solid can. You can add other decorative elements on top, such as ribbons, beads, sparkles.


christmas decor

The finished decor can be placed on a table or on a shelf in a closet, or you can add a hook to the cup and hang it on the wall.
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