How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

The lack of a cellar or basement is a big problem for gardeners, since the harvested crop has to be frozen or processed into home canning. When you try to store it in a warm pantry, everything quickly rots, sprouts or withers. We offer a method that will allow you to preserve carrots and beets under normal room conditions until the next harvest.

What you will need:

  • dry slaked lime;
  • paper;
  • box or container with a lid.

Preparation and storage process

Vegetables need to be washed and dried. Damaged root crops should be immediately discarded and used primarily for harvesting. Selected whole and healthy vegetables are trimmed. The tops with part of the pulp and the tail are removed.
How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

Dried root vegetables are rolled in lime.
How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

They are placed in a container with paper lined at the bottom.
How to keep carrots and beets juicy without a cellar

Vegetables are laid out in layers, which are separated by sheets. Filled boxes are covered with a lid, but not hermetically sealed, and stored in a warm pantry.
Lime will not allow rot to develop on vegetables. As necessary, carrots or beets are removed and washed. The powder washes off well.Vegetables do not nourish anything, so they can be safely consumed.

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